> Hello,
> I have a few questions now:
Yes. Since the mail is archived to help other people, in future please
send a small mail for each question, with a descriptive subject line for
each. This makes it easier for everyone.
> 1. How can I move data the following way:
> I have 2 variables:
> one two
> 1 5 ^
> 3 4 |
> 1 3 |
> 4 4 |
> Now I want to move the two one arround (sorry I don't know how to say
> that in english). That means: I want to move the first item at the
> end of my column and move the second at the first place, the third at
> the second, and so on. You can see it at the arrow next to the
> column. The colum named 'one' should be as it is.
By using indexing. If this is a matrix called mymatrix:
mymatrix[,2] <- mymatrix[c(4,1:3),2]
If it's a data frame called mydf:
mydf$two <- mydf$two[c(4,1:3)]
> 2. How can I make outputs of the grafics (plot, hist, ...) into a file?
See the help pages and examples...
> 3. Can I make latex output of the grafics (any tool, like texdraw or
> pictex ...)?
I use either eps or pdf for inclusion into LaTeX. You also have the fig
file format, so you can use xfig to edit before inclusion.
> 4. I know about sink(). But can I format the output for LaTeX, like a
> \begin{tabular} ... \end{tabular} for a dist() matrix or similar?
Two ways:
1) Install the Hmisc package, and see ?latex
2) Install the xtable package, and see ?xtable.
> 5. Acording to the other questions, where can I find answers for this
> questions, if I'm not the first one who is asking?
1) help.search("some keyword")
2) go to cran.r-project.org, and follow the "Search" link to
the mail archives.