Displaying 20 results from an estimated 87 matches for "mymatrix".
2009 Jul 20
S4 method dispatch with inheritance
I'm trying to create a new S4 class (myMatrix) which for now just
extends dgCMatrix (from package Matrix). Then I want to use "[" which is
defined in Matrix.
Out of the box with "[" (defined in Matrix) I lose the class information
and the result is an object of class dgCMatrix. If I specify a
"["-method for m...
2013 Jun 27
using "rollapply" to calculate a moving sum or running sum?
#using "rollapply" to calculate a moving sum or running sum?
#I am tryign to use rollapply to calcualte a moving sum? #I tried
rollapply and get the error message
#"Error in seq.default(start.at, NROW(data), by = by) :
# wrong sign in 'by' argument"
mymatrix <- ( matrix(data=1:100, nrow=5, ncol=20) )
mymatrix_cumsum <- ( matrix(data=NA, nrow=5, ncol=20) )
for(i in 1: (ncol(mymatrix)-w+1) ) {
mymatrix_cumsum[ , i] <- apply(X=mymatrix[, i:(i+w-1)] , MARGIN=1,
FUN=sum, na.rm=T)
#How might I use the "rollapply" function instead...
2005 Jan 21
Avoiding a Loop?
...known. The second column is
the result of multiplying this first column with a constant "const". The
third column is the result of multiplying the second column with
So far, I did it like this (as a simplified example):
nr.of.columns <- 4
myconstant <- 27.5
mymatrix <- matrix(numeric(0), nrow=5, ncol=nr.of.columns)
mymatrix[,1] <- 1:5
for (i in 2:nr.of.columns) {
mymatrix[,i] <- myconstant * mymatrix[,i-1]
Can anyone give me some advice whether it is possible to avoid this loop
(and if yes: how)?
Any suggestions are welcome!
2012 Aug 01
Error message: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
The code was working perfectly fine yesterday and today, until half an hour ago.? Couldn't find any problems in the code. Still, I am getting error message.
myMatrix <- data.matrix(read.table(text="
Name??????????? Age
ANTONY??????? 27
IMRAN????????? 30
RAJ????????????????? 22
NAHAS????????? 32
GEO??????????????? 42
", header=TRUE))
MinMaxArray? <- data.frame(MIN = 25,MAX=35)
myMatrix[myMatrix$Age<=MinMaxArray$MAX & myMatrix$Age>=MinM...
2005 Feb 21
Sorting a matrix on two columns
If a matrix with 5 columns has been defined and the first two columns
need to be sorted in ascending order, how can this be achieved whilst
ensuring the
other 3 columns data are in relative position to the sorted columns?
Glen Jones
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2006 Apr 04
Selecting out certain values from a MATRIX
I have two objects, one matrix and one vector.
I want to use my vector to subset certain values out of my matrix.
For example:
I want to tell R, to select out all rows in myMatrix into a new myMatrix2 IF
that corresponding row is less than a 0.5 in myVector.
myMatrix = a matrix of 8000 by 20
myVector = vector of 8000
myMatrix2 = a matrix of < 8000 by 20 (based on selection criteria in
I hope this makes sense..
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2004 Nov 01
make apply() return a list
...ices have all the same dimension. To get a list I could change the
dimension of one matrix artificially and restore it after apply():
This a (very much) simplified example of what I did:
> myData <- data.frame( a = c( 1,2,3 ), b = c( 4,5,6 ) )
> myFunction <- function( values ) {
+ myMatrix <- matrix( values, 2, 2 )
+ if( all( values == myData[ 1, ] ) ) {
+ myMatrix <- cbind( myMatrix, rep( 0, 2 ) )
+ }
+ return( myMatrix )
+ }
> myList <- apply( myData, 1, myFunction )
> myList[[ 1 ]] <- myList[[ 1 ]][ 1:2, 1:2 ]
> myList
[,1] [...
2005 Aug 08
computationally singular
I have a dataset which has around 138 variables and 30,000 cases. I am
trying to calculate a mahalanobis distance matrix for them and my
procedure is like this:
Suppose my data is stored in mymatrix
> S<-cov(mymatrix) # this is fine
> D<-sapply(1:nrow(mymatrix), function(i) mahalanobis(mymatrix, mymatrix[i,], S))
Error in solve.default(cov, ...) : system is computationally singular:
reciprocal condition number = 1.09501e-25
I understand the error message but I don't know how t...
2011 Oct 11
binding all elements of list (character vectors) to a matrix as rows
dear r-users,
i have got a problem which i am trying to solve:
i have got the following commands:
Mymatrix <- matrix(1:9,ncol=3)
Z <-
Mymatrix <- rbind(Mymatri...
2012 Jul 31
Remove a complete row as per the Range in a Matrix
Here i have a Matrix
MyMatrix <-
Name Age
--------- -------
RAJ 22
GEO 42
and here i have an array with Minimum and Maximum values.
MinMaxArray <- data.frame(MIN = 25,MAX=35)
------ --------
2011 Aug 17
Lattice: problem with setting space between plot and legend
...resent my output data (I'm using Lattice Package).
However, it's essential for me to control space between barchart and legend.
I've read the package's specification, but unfortunately I haven't spot the
information how to do this. Here's the code I've written:
box.width=1,stack=TRUE,border=FALSE,par.settings = simpleTheme(col
2008 May 21
Converting Data Types
How can I convert the matrices to list.
For example I have this snippet:
which prints:
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
1 103.9 88.5 242.9 206.6 175.7 164.4
How can I convert the object "samples" such that it prints:
[1] 103.9 88.5 242.9 206.6 175.7 164.4
The reason I ask this because I can't use the former
"samples" o...
2006 Mar 16
removing ROWS with missing values
I am trying to find out if R can recognize specific criteria for removing
rows (i.e. a prexisting function)
I have a matrix myMatrix that is 12000 by 20
I would like to remove rows from myMatrix that have:
-999 across all columns
-999 across all columns but one
-999 across all columns but two
-999 across all columns but three
-999 across all columns but four
-999 across all columns but five
(-999 here is my missing value)
2007 Feb 12
processing a large matrix
I would like to compare every column in my matrix with every other column and
get the r-squared.
I tried using the following formula and looping through every column:
> summary(lm(matrix[,x]~matrix[,y]))$r.squared
If I have 10,000 columns, the loops (10,000 * 10,000) take forever even if
there is no formula inside.
Then, I attempted to vectorize my code:
> cor(matrix)^2
With 10,000
2005 Dec 08
Reshaping data
no=sample(1:10, size=n, replace=FALSE))
Now I would like to make a matrix with (in this simple example)
10 columns (for the years) and 12 rows (for the ages). In each cell,
I would like to put the correct number of individuals.
So far I was doing this as follows:
mymatrix <- matrix(0, ncol=10, nrow=12)
for (year in unique(mydf$yr)) {
for (age in unique(mydf$age)) {
if (length(mydf$no[mydf$yr==year & mydf$age==age]) > 0) {
mymatrix[age,year] <- mydf$no[mydf$yr==year & mydf$age==age]
} else {
mymatrix[age,year] <- 0
2012 Jul 30
Convert variable to STring
Dear all,
I have a variable that I would like also to use it as a string. The reasons is that I want to collect results from different function to one table.. So when I use the
colnames(mymatrix) <-c(function1.function2,function3)
the function1, function2, function3 to be "converted" to simple strings so as
colnames(mymatrix) <-c("function1","function2","function3")
Could you please help me understand how I can do that in R?
2006 Aug 09
objects and environments
Dear list,
I have two functions created in the same environment, fun1 and fun2.
fun2 is called by fun1, but fun2 should use an object which is created in fun1
fun1 <- function(x) {
ifelse(somecondition, bb <- "o", bb <- "*")
## mymatrix is created, then
myresult <- apply(mymatrix, 1, fun2)
fun2 <- function(idx) {
if (bb == "o) {
# do something with idx
} else {
# do something else with idx
What should I do to have "bb" available in fun2?
I tried everything I could with sys.pare...
2012 Jul 19
Line chart with a double matrix
I have a double matrix that I want to represent in a line chart. Although I
have seen some examples I still don't manage to get it. My data is this (a
double matrix called mymatrix) :
Blogs Wikis Redes Etiq. SPC LMS
Menor de 30 57.14 28.57 14.29 28.57 57.14 28.57
de 31 a 40 63.83 61.70 29.79 17.02 59.57 70.21
de 41 a 50 72.64 70.75 47.17 20.75 55.66 75.47
Mayor de 51 62.07 58.62 48.28 17.24 50.00 67.24
As I understand from http://www.statmethods.net/graph...
2012 Jun 14
Time difference between two dates/timing
Here, i have a matrix like this
MyMatrix <-
1/1/2010 0:10 197.1947 100.0859
1/1/2010 0:20 203.8811 100.1013
1/1/2010 0:30 206.564 100.0433
1/1/2010 0:40 207.9563 99.9393
i want to get the time difference in minutes between two date.
2012 Mar 20
Remove individual rows from a matrix based upon a list
...ual (row) excluded in
each instance. That individual would be returned to the matrix before the
next is removed and the function recalculated. I can do this by hand
removing rows based upon ids however I would like specify individuals to be
removed from a list (lots of data).
An example matrix:
E985047 E985071 E985088 F952477 F952478 J644805 J644807 J644813 E985047
1 0.09 0 0 0 0 0 0.4 E985071 0.09 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.07 E985088 0 0 1 0 0 0
0.14 0 F952477 0 0 0 1 0.38 0 0 0 F952478 0 0 0 0.38 1 0 0 0 J644805 0 0
0 0 0 1 0.07 0 J644807 0 0 0.14 0 0 0.07 1 0 J644813 0.4 0.07 0 0 0 0 0...