Displaying 20 results from an estimated 363 matches for "colum".
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2009 Nov 06
how can I delete those columes with the same element in every row?
a b c d e
1 1 1 3 1 1
2 1 2 3 4 5
3 1 3 3 8 3
4 1 4 3 3 5
5 1 1 3 1 1 I want to delete colume a and colume c, because they
have the same values in every row, then ,I want to get this data.frame .
b d e
1 1 1 1
2 2 4 5
3 3 8 3
4 4 3 5
5 1 1 1 the following is my code but it's wrong.
a=c(1,1,1,1,1); b=c(1,2,3,4,1); c=c(3,3,3,3,3); d=c(1,4,8,3,1);
2009 Dec 20
how to create three new variables? Thanks a lot!
Dear R experts:
I have following data structure: student id, exam time and score. I want to
create three new columes: 1 st before, 2nd before and 3rd before.
For example, for student 1's 4th exam score is assumed to be influenced by
his previous three cloest scores, which are 6, 9, and 10 in that order.
For student 2's 5th exam score is assumed to be inflenced by her previous
cloest three scores, which...
2009 Jan 26
Getting data from a PDF-file into R
So i want to pull out the data in coloured boxes it become organized like
this (just in R instead of excel);
So the 0'es and 1'es represent when either "PRRS-neg" occurs presented by a
0 in the colums PRRS-VAC and PRRS-DK on a particular date. And the same with
"PRRS-pos VAC" or "Vac" presented by a 1 in the colum PRRS-VAC, and
"PRRS-pos DK" or "DK" presented by a 1 in the colum PRRS-DK. And also with
"sanVAC" there should be a 1 in the colum V...
2005 Jan 03
colums in ''shorewall show connections'' command
I do not understand some colums in the output to ''shorewall show
/root> shorewall show connections
Shorewall-2.0.2f Connections at firewall - Mon Jan 3 13:12:52 PST 2005
tcp 6 353296 ESTABLISHED src= dst= sport=3647
dport=443 src= dst=112.129.24...
2009 Dec 01
median for time data
Hi everybody
How do I do to calculate the median and average of a colum of time data like
this: "8:50:10". I also need to plot the time difference between two colums
Thanks a lot
View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/median-for-time-data-tp932287p932287.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2007 Apr 20
Change the mode of a list
can anybody tell me a easy way to change the mode of an "aggregate list" to "numeric"?
I found a solution but I looks cruel.
PS: In the past you have asked what I am doing. I have to evaluate measures of two
gauges of our university. The aim is to get an answer which one is better.
> mode(MEAN)
[1] "list"
> mode(MEASURE)
2012 Aug 08
help, please! matrix operations inside 3 nested loops
header=TRUE, sep="\t")
#2) create empty matrix:
indxind<-matrix(nrow=617, ncol=617)
#3) compare cells to each other, score:
for (s in 3:34) { #walks though the matrix colum by colum, starting at
colum 3
for (z1 in 1:617) { #for each current colum, take one row (z1)...
for (z2 in 1:617) { #...and compare it to another row (z2) of the
current colum
if (z1!=z2) {topf<-indxind[z1,z2]
if (daten[2*z1-1,s]==daten[2*z2-1,s]) topf<-topf+1...
2011 Mar 30
CDR Mysql adaptive Colum
...erisk 1.8 from repo:
And Looked at this article about CDR in mysl.
I installed asterisk-mysql pacakge from debian repo.
The cdr in mysql is working, but i can not get cdr adaptive colums are not,
i use this in my extension.conf
exten => s,1,set(CDR(teste)=${CHANNEL(audioreadformat)})
And is not working, i thought the only diference it i would need the colum
teste in my cdr table right ?
I tryied a lot of combinations of exten =>
Does anyone have any ideia how is the righ...
2009 Nov 06
another question: how to delete one of columes in two ones with high correlation(0.95)
....0857493 1.0000000 -0.0857493 0.9854509 0.7669650
c 1.0000000 -0.0857493 1.0000000 -0.1336306 0.5590170
d -0.1336306 0.9854509 -0.1336306 1.0000000 0.7470179
e 0.5590170 0.7669650 0.5590170 0.7470179 1.0000000
> data.f
b c d e
1 1 3 1 1
2 2 4 2 5
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 3 5 5
5 1 3 1 1
either colume b or colume d shold be deleted ,for they hight
correlation(0.9854509), but the result not,why?
View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/another-question%3A-how-to-delete-one-of-columes-in-two-ones-with-high-correlation%280.95%29-tp26228174p26228174.html
Sent from the R help mailing...
2008 Nov 20
convert factors to numbers
Hello, I have a problem with reading a csv-file. One colum of the inputfile
consists of characters and numbers. After reading the csv-file I create a
new dataframe by dividing the values of that colum into more colums (then a
colum contains just characters or numbers) but the numbers are converted to
factors. How can I create the new dataframe without havi...
2008 Mar 22
counting values on one colum only
Hi all:
Can someone help me count the
number of rows with values in
colum "a" only. assume the name
of my dataframe is "weekly"
I was trying
i<- nrows(weekly$a)
but returns 7 when it should
be 4. Thanks
a b c d
1.569 0.013 160.000 27.000
1.632 0.013 146.000 27.000
1.830 0.01...
2003 Sep 05
all values from a data frame
I've a data frame with 15 colums and 6000 rows, and I need the data in a
single vector of size 90000 for ttest. Is there such a conversion function in
R, or would I have to write my own loop over the colums?
thanks for your help + kind regards
2010 Aug 01
finding max value in a row and reporting colum name
Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction on how I would go
about solving the following.
I have some data and need to find the column name of the maximum value in
each row.
This could be the data...
> a <- data.frame(x = rnorm(4), y = rnorm(4), z = rnorm(4))
> a
x y z
1 1.6534561 0.11523404 0.2261730
2 -1.2274320 -0.24096054 1.5096028
3 -1.4503096 0.07227427 1.6740867
4 0.1867416...
2005 Nov 24
i have a problem by writing a csv file
the first colum is filled with index numbers from 1 to n.
i have to unique two csv files once a week while one file is always the
can anybody tell me, how to write the dataset into a csv file without the
first row of the indexnumbers.
x[,-1] does not wok as it eliminates the first "interesting" col...
2009 Nov 04
Search values and create a new matrix
...s to see if you can help to solve. I´m a begginer (I´m 20 years
old ) but I´m trying to learn more about this program also I´m learning
I need to create a matrix in R whose values depends on the values of other
matrix. You see:
I have a first "R" matrix whose first row and first colum are a "key/title"
in my case numbers. Imagine R has a size N,M
The second matrix "Z" has an N-1,2 size. In this new matrix the second
column on Z is equal to the first column on R. The first column has numbers
"desordered" but that will appear on the first row on R...
2003 Oct 16
A data frame of data frames
I'm trying to set up the flowwing data structure in R:
A data frame with 7,000 rows and 4 colums. The rownames have some special
meaning (they are names of genes). The 1st column per row is itself a data
frame, and columns 2 to 4 will keep numeric values.
The data frame contained in the 1st column will have 54 rows (with special
names) and 4 colums (1st col is a response, cols 2- 4 are facto...
2011 Jun 27
show colums x till end
Hey again,
I didn't wat questions to get mangled up, so here's my second email.
In matlab, there is the simple possibility to access colums x till last of a matrix using
mydata(1:3, 5:end).
In R, I so far use
mydata[1:3, 5:ncol(mydata)]
Is there a faster way? (in terms of typing)
Thanks ahead,
Berry Boessenkool
University of Potsdam, Germany
2012 Jun 27
how to convert list of matrix (raster:extract o/p) to data table with additional colums (polygon Id, class)
Character,2 ....................
Now i want to convert it in a table as above.
how to do this?
Thanks for your suggestion
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/how-to-convert-list-of-matrix-raster-extract-o-p-to-data-table-with-additional-colums-polygon-Id-cla-tp4634579.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2008 Apr 02
How to best read in this data / Switching rows and colums
...2, 10, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10
SeriesF, 1, 2, 1, 5, 1, 7, 5, 7, 7, 3
There are actually much more data points in the data, each line contains
between 300 and 500 values.
If I use something like this:
lc <- read.csv("file", header = FALSE, sep = ",", fill = TRUE)
R treats rows as columns and columns as rows. Is there someway to change
this bahaviour? Or can i post process the data once I read it in?
Thanks a lot!
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/How-to-best-read-in-this-data---Switching-rows-and-colums-tp16447071p16447071.html
Sent from the R help mailin...
2003 Oct 17
sub data frame by expression
Hi All,
I've the following data frame with 54 rows and 4 colums:
> x
Ratio Dose Time Batch
R.010mM.04h.NEW 0.02 010mM 04h NEW
R.010mM.04h.NEW.1 0.07 010mM 04h NEW
R.010mM.24h.NEW.2 0.06 010mM 24h NEW
R.010mM.04h.OLD 0.19 010mM 04h OLD
R.010mM.04h.OLD.1 0.49 010mM 04h OLD