All, I've been using SWeave to generate output based on reports (R 1.8.1). We developed a front end for the non-statistical users and, in this interface, they can select one or more analyses. There are multiple rnw files that make up the final documents for typesetting. There is the overall rnw file that may call a number of tex files (also produced via SWeave) using \include. Let's say that an anova analysis is requested, then SWeave runs on anaova.rnw and an string is set that will be used by SWeave so that it includes the file. My first shot at this string was DoAnova <- "\include{anova}" of they want that analysis and DoAnova <- "" if not. Of course, this didn't work since SWeave gets the text include{anova}. So, I've tried DoAnova <- "\\include{anova}" and DoAnova <- "\!\include{anova}" to no avail. Does anyone have any ideas about getting the backslash? Thanks, Max ********************************************************************** This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s...{{dropped}}