On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 03:13:50PM +0100, Federico Calboli
wrote:> Dear All,
> I apologize if the following has been already asked, but I could not
> find anything in the archives.
> I am running Debian Sid (on an Athlon XP), with R 1.8.1.cvs.20040307-1
> (it describes itself as "R 1.9.0 experimental" when I fire R up)
and I
> am unable to load the library "nlme" (I apt-getted r-recommended,
so the
> library is on the system)
> >library(nlme)
> Error in loadNamespace((i[[1]],c(lib.loc, .libPath()),keep.source):
> package "mva" does not have a namespace
> In fact, in my /etc/lib/R/library/mva/ does not have a NAMESPACE file.
> How can I fix this?
> I hope the fix is not as simple as upgrading to the latest cvs... but
> the machine in question cannot be up online until later today, so I
> could not test this out. If that's the case, I apologise for the wasted
> bandwidth.
As you may know, I have been building and uploading both pre-1.9.0 version
of R itself (in the 1.8.1.cvs.$DATE packages, currently at
1.8.1.cvs.20040331) and of all (previously packaged) packages in
$CRAN/src/contrib/1.9.0/ which includes nlme.
As for your problem, a simple upgrade to the newest versions should do, see
below. If you go with Debian 'sid' aka 'unstable', I do
recommend a quick
'apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade' every few days. The problem
here has been reported and fixed before. See below for a log, it simply
works if you have the current components.
Hope this helps, Dirk
edd at homebud:~> R
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> library(nlme)
> Regards,
> Federico Calboli
> --
> ================================>
> Federico C. F. Calboli
> Dipartimento di Biologia
> Via Selmi 3
> 40126 Bologna
> Italy
> tel (+39) 051 209 4187
> fax (+39) 051 251 4286
> f.calboli at ucl.ac.uk
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