On Fri Apr 2, xt_wang wrote:> I want to use R function Matrix inverse in my c code, please
> tell me how I can.
> If there is a sample which can tell me how it works. It will
> be fantastic.
A good place to start learning how to interface R with C is the
"Writing R Extensions" manual installed locally, or:
See also the article "In Search of C/C++ & Fortran Routines" in:
I guess you'd have to decide whether you want to compile R as a
shared library or not. I've never done this.
But do you really want to call R from C to get a matrix inverse?
Can't you just use a CLAPACK routine?
I'm not sure which CLAPACK subroutine is best for your purposes,
but I have in the past used dgels (double-precision gaussian
elimination and least-squares) and found it to be good.
I assume you have asked the question:
"Do I really need an inverse?"
If Ax = b,
x = inv(A) * b
is computationally about twice as expensive as Gaussian
In R, to get help on solving linear systems, try:
> A <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4),nrow=2)
> Ainv <- solve(A)
> A %*% Ainv
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 0
[2,] 0 1
Hope this helps,