Hello, I'm fitting linear mixed models to gene-expression data from microarrays, in a data set where 4608 genes are studied. For a sample of 5 subjects and for each gene we observe the expression level (Intensity) in four different tissues: N, Tp, Tx and M. I want to test whether the expression level is different accross tissues. Between-subject variability is modeled with a random intercept, and the within-subject by allowing heteroscedastic and correlated errors accross tissues. The proposed model can then be fitted by lme(Intensity~Tissue-1, weights=varIdent(form=~1|Tissue),correlation=corSymm(),random=~1|Subject) I have fitted this model for each gene. As a consequence of balanced data, fixed-effects estimates are exactly the sample mean for each gene. But I have found one particular gene for which this does not happen: the fixed-effects estimates are completely no-sense. Finally, I haved found a solution for that: rounding data. (see the code below) I have no explanation. Is it a numerical problem? Thank you for your time. Joan Valls Catalan Institute of Oncology Barcelona #data set for the gene Subject<-c(rep("C4",4),rep("HM1",4),rep("C1",4),rep("997",4),rep("C3",4)) Tissue<-rep(c("N","Tp","Tx","M"),5) IntensityA<-c(10.6720000000000010,10.564,10.6080000000000010,10.8673333333333350,10.9430000000000000,10.8910000000000000, 11.1260000000000010,10.9693333333333330,10.7690000000000000,10.8110000000000000,10.8739999999999990,10.8890000000000010, 11.6679999999999990,11.5320000000000000,11.7100000000000010,11.3519999999999990,11.0000000000000000,10.6300000000000010, 10.8720000000000020,10.6133333333333350) Gene<-data.frame(Subject=as.factor(as.character(Subject)),Tissue=as.factor(as.character(Tissue)),Intensity=IntensityA) # fitted model (does not work!) mlmA<-lme(Intensity ~ Tissue-1,weights=varIdent(form=~1|Tissue),correlation=corSymm(),data=Gene,random=~1|Subject); summary(mlmA) #sample means lapply(split(Gene$Intensity,Gene$Tissue),mean) #fitted model with rounded data (it works) Gene$Intensity<-round(Gene$Intensity,4) mlmA<-lme(Intensity ~ Tissue-1,weights=varIdent(form=~1|Tissue),correlation=corSymm(),data=Gene,random=~1|Subject); summary(mlmA)