As a newbie to R, I'm still rather at a loss for finding information (the commands names can be rather arcane)so I'm just posting my question: I would like to estimate the shape coefficient of diverse distributions (Weibull, gamma and Tukey-Lambda specifically, but other could be of interest) - Does R have a PPCC utility to estimate such parameter?(maximum value of correlation coef) - If yes how does one retrieve the numerical value from the graph? (see graphical example below) - The retrieval of numerical values is also a problem for me from the probability plots.... Thank for any help! Anne
kjetil brinchmann halvorsen
2003-Aug-09 14:36 UTC
[R] probability plot correlation coefficient
On 6 Aug 2003 at 19:58, anne wrote: It is not very clear what you want. For fitting distributions like you mentiones, the easiest way for you is maximum likelihood via fitdistr() in package MASS: library(MASS) ?fitdistr x <- rweibull(100, shape=3, scale=2) fitdistr(x, dweibull, start=list(shape=5, scale=0.5) ) shape scale 3.1391369 2.0803995 (0.2383695) (0.0700139) I don't know about PPCC, but it looks like you want to estimate the shape by selecting the shape to maximize the correlation coefficient in a probability plot. While that makes intuitive sense, what I have given above is probably better. If you want to get the correlation coefficient corresponding to a probability plot, it is easy: qqplot( qweibull(ppoints(x), shape=3, scale=2), x ) cor( qweibull(ppoints(x), shape=3, scale=2), sort(x) ) [1] 0.9940447 and you can even easily write a function to do PPCC (If i have understood it correctly): (But the example also show that if I have understood correctly, it is'nt a very good or reliable method)> PPCC <- function(shape, scale, x) { # only for weibull+ x <- sort(x) + pp <- ppoints(x) + cor( qweibull(pp, shape=shape, scale=scale), x)}> PPCC(3,2,x)[1] 0.9940447> optim(par=c(shape=5, scale=0.5), function(par) PPCC(par[1], par[2],x),+ method="BFGS") $par shape scale 99.9199 0.5000 $value [1] 0.9490552 $counts function gradient 12 11 $convergence [1] 0 $message NULL> optim(par=c(shape=5, scale=2), function(par) PPCC(par[1], par[2],x),+ method="BFGS") $par shape scale 99.9199 2.0000 $value [1] 0.9490552 $counts function gradient 12 11 $convergence [1] 0 $message NULL> optim(par=c(shape=3, scale=2), function(par) PPCC(par[1], par[2],x),+ method="BFGS") $par shape scale 3.403016 2.000000 $value [1] 0.992391 $counts function gradient 100 100 $convergence [1] 1 $message NULL As the example show, you need some very good starting value to get something reasonable. Strick with fitdistr()! Kjetil Halvorsen> As a newbie to R, I'm still rather at a loss for finding information > (the commands names can be rather arcane)so I'm just posting my question: > I would like to estimate the shape coefficient of diverse > distributions (Weibull, gamma and Tukey-Lambda specifically, but other > could be of interest) > - Does R have a PPCC utility to estimate such parameter?(maximum value > of correlation coef) > - If yes how does one retrieve the numerical value from the graph? (see > graphical example below) > - The retrieval of numerical values is also a problem for me from the > probability plots.... > > > > > Thank for any help! > Anne > > ______________________________________________ > R-help at mailing list >