Displaying 20 results from an estimated 81 matches for "ppoint".
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1998 Sep 03
When I look at ppoints I see:
ppoints<-function (x)
n <- length(x)
if (n == 1)
n <- x
(1:n - 0.5)/n
However Venables & Ripley (2nd ed, p 165) say ppoints() should return
(i-1/2)/n for n>=11; (i-3/8)/(n+1/4) for n<=10.
The version below should work as described:
ppoints<-function (x)
2005 Jan 19
ppoints (PR#7538)
Dear r-bugs,
Whilst playing with ppoints I discovered
that when one uses it directly, occasional
NA's in a vector also become data fractions:
Would it be a good idea to add a warning message
as in:
ppoints <- function (n, a = ifelse(n <= 10, 3/8, 1/2))
if(any(is.na(n))) warning("'n' c...
2000 Dec 11
qqline (PR#764)
I think qqline does not do exactly what it is advertised to do ("`qqline'
adds a line to a normal quantile-quantile plot which passes through the
first and third quartiles."). Consider the graph:
tmp <- qnorm(ppoints(10))
The line (which I expected go through all the points), has a slightly
shallower slope than does the points plotted by qqnorm. I think the
problem is that qqline bases its line on the relationship between the
quartiles in the data and the large sample expected quartil...
2008 Sep 15
how to calculate PPCC?
...is the probability
function that best fits a set of data. I wrote them based in this response:
I extracted the relevant segment of the link above:
//> PPCC <- function(shape, scale, x) { # only for weibull /
+ x <- sort(x)
+ pp <- ppoints(x)
+ cor( qweibull(pp, shape=shape, scale=scale), x)} /
I clearly read, "/only for weibull"/ however I wrote similar functions
for /normal, exponential, poisson, and lognormal. /
Could someone says me if these functions are correct? Are there other
ways to estimate the correlation coe...
2004 Aug 23
you won't be disa~ppointed!
Es dknet1 stringreduction qkang
I tried to be thin while I failed still.Though I make myself believe every
kind of weight-loss meds and bvy them,they just don't work at all.Before I
was disappointed and wanted to give up,this site came to me and saved me
from terrible ---Linda WT
Syr Juox http://p.jn.sublunary1132nx.com/f74m/
Experience had given him implicit confidence in the powers of the
electrical instrument whose unseen forces carried him so swiftly and surely,
and while the tiny,...
2012 May 11
identify() doesn't return "true" numbers
qqplot.mv.interactive <- function (data, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL)
x <- as.matrix(data) # n x p numeric matrix
center <- colMeans(x) # centroid
n <- nrow(x); p <- ncol(x); cov <- cov(x);
d <- mahalanobis(x,center,cov) # distances
qqInteractive(qchisq(ppoints(n),df=p),d, # ppoints(n) makes
a sequence from 0 to 1. with stepsize 1/n
main="QQ Plot Assessing Multivariate Normality", # qchisq() makes a
chi squared distribution function for the given probabilities in ppoints(n)
and degress of freedom df
2007 Jun 19
Function -return value
...two parameters in parab.
parameter <- function(v) {
v1 <- v[v>mean(v)+0.5*sd(v)]
v2 <- v[v<mean(v)-0.5*sd(v)]
para <- fitgpd(v1,alpha, method="pwmu")$param
parab <- fitgpd((-v2), (-beta), method="pwmu")$param
v1.fit <- qgpd(ppoints(v1, a=0.5), alpha, para[1], para[2])
v2.fit <- qgpd(ppoints((-v2), a=0.5), (-beta), para[1], para[2])
tapply(variable, list(a, b),parameter)
I would be grateful if anyone can give me some advice. Many thanks
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Fun...
2006 Apr 13
Plotting positions in qqnorm?
Do you know of a reference that discusses alternative choices for
plotting positions for a normal probability plot? The documentation for
qqnorm says it calls ppoints, which returns qnorm((1:m-a)/(m+1-2*a))
with "a" = ifelse(n<=10, 3/8, 1/2)? The help pages for qqnorm and
ppoints just refer to Becker, Chambers and Wilks (1988) The New S
Language (Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole), and I couldn't find any discussion
of this.
I seem to recall...
2006 Mar 02
Bug/Wishlist: 'partial' in 'sort' and 'quantile' (PR#8650)
This is essentially a reposting of
which had no responses, and the behaviour reported there persists in
r-devel as of yesterday.
(1) sort() with non-null partial
> x = rnorm(100000)
> keep = as.integer(ppoints(10000) * 100000)
> system.time(sort(x))
[1] 0.05 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00
> system.time(sort(x, partial = keep))
[1] 52.04 0.02 52.08 0.00 0.00
This is perhaps not strictly a bug, but taking approximately 1000
times longer to do a subset of the work seems pointless at best.
(2) quantile.defa...
1999 Aug 31
Suggestion for qqplot() improvement
...o datasets
of *different* length, rather than anything else)
WSt> I would prefer
WSt> n <- length(y)
WSt> qqplot(qt((1:n)/(n+1), df=5), y, xlab='quantiles', ylab='data')
yes, for comparison with a theoretical distribution.
Maybe even
qqplot(qt(ppoints(n), df=5), y,
xlab='quantiles of t(* ,df=5)', ylab='data')
WSt> and this could be shortened to
WSt> qqplot(y, distribution='t', df=5)
WSt> with an easy extension of the function.
I found:
Trellis in S-plus has
qqmath(formula, distr...
2009 Mar 11
Ggplot2: saving a grid with multiple plots
...e a figure on the screen with multiple plots in
it. Something like the example below. When I save that with ggsave(),
only the last plot gets saved (pPath in the example) instead of the
entire figure. Any suggestions how I can save this kind of figures
pPoint <- qplot(unemploy/pop, psavert, data=economics)
pPath <- qplot(unemploy/pop, psavert, data=economics, geom="path")
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(2, 1)))
print(pPoint, vp = viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, layout.pos.col = 1))
print(pPath, vp = viewport(layout...
2007 Feb 08
the plotting position of theoretical quantile for qqnorm
I have a doubt about the plotting position of the theoretical quantile for
the qqnorm
command in R.
Let F be the theoretical distribution of Y, we observed a sample of size n,
y1,y2, ...,
yn. We then sort it and comspare these empirical quantiles to the expected
from F. For the plotting poition, there are several options:
1. i/(n+1)
2. (i-.375)/(n+.25)
3. (i- .3175)/ (n + .365)
2009 Jul 01
The step before interfacing to GRASS
Dear all,
A very basic terrain calculated as a matrix from Spatial Points Patterns:
#interpolate using the akima package
terrain=interp(ppoints$x,ppoints$y,ppoints$marks,xo=x0,yo=y0, linear=F)
> class(terrain)
[1] "list"
> class(terrain$x) #these are the x-coord i.e: [1...1000]
[1] "numeric"
> class(terrain$y)#these are the y-coord i.e: [1...1000]
[1] "numeric"
> class(terrain$z)#these are the he...
2001 Jul 02
Shapiro-Wilk test
does the shapiro wilk test in R-1.3.0 work correctly? Maybe it does, but can
anybody tell me why the following sample doesn't give "W = 1" and
"p-value = 1":
R> x<-1:9/10;x
[1] 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
R> shapiro.test(qnorm(x))
Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: qnorm(x)
W = 0.9925, p-value = 0.9986
I can't imagine a sample being
2007 Jun 09
What ECDF function?
...e ((1:n)-0.5)/n
After investigation I found there're different definition of ECDF
(note "i" is the rank):
* Kaplan-Meier: i/n
* modified Kaplan-Meier: (i-0.5)/n
* Median Rank: (i-0.3)/(n+0.4)
* Herd Johnson i/(n+1)
* ...
Furthermore, similar expressions are used by "ppoints".
2.1 For P-P plot, what shall I use?
2.2 In general why should I prefer one kind of CDF over another one?
(Note: this issue might also apply to Q-Q plot, infact qqnorm use
ppoints instead of ecdf)
Thank you very much!!
-- Marco
2003 Aug 06
probability plot correlation coefficient
As a newbie to R, I'm still rather at a loss for finding information
(the commands names can be rather arcane)so I'm just posting my question:
I would like to estimate the shape coefficient of diverse
distributions (Weibull, gamma and Tukey-Lambda specifically, but other
could be of interest)
- Does R have a PPCC utility to estimate such parameter?(maximum value
of correlation coef)
2009 Sep 17
QQ plotting of various distributions...
...fferences. First two are trivial:
Then, things are getting more "hairy". I am not sure how to make plots
for the rest. I tried gamma with:
qqmath(~ X, data=dat, distribution=function(X)
qgamma(X, shape, scale))
Which should be the same as:
plot(qgamma(ppoints(dat$X), shape, scale), sort(dat$X))
Shape and scale parameters I got via mhsmm package that has gammafit()
for shape and scale parameters estimation.
Am I on right track? Does anyone know how to plot the rest: ex-Gaussian
(exponential-Gaussian), Wald (inverse Gaussian)?
2002 Jan 08
chi square and mahalanobis
.... Each measure
is the outcome of a nuclear magnetic resonance experiment, so each of the
169 points has the same unit.
As I want to do some multivariate calibration using these data, I checked
whether some multivariate outliers existed. I calculated Mahalanobis
distances and did a
where XMaha contained my Mahalanobis distances. The points on my QQ plot
were nicely aligned onto a y=x line, so no outliers.
For some reasons I need to scale my data set so as that each measure
has the same initial point, i.e. the first point of each measure must be
1. To be c...
2003 Jul 18
Probability plotting with R
Our professor asked us to do probability plotting using weibull paper,
exponential paper, normal, log-normal paper, etc. I know I can create Q-Q
plot for normal dist. and see if all te points are on one line. How do I
go about other distributions?
I tried generating different samples and use the general qq function.
However, I could not do it since I don't know the population
2004 Apr 06
percentile-percentile plot
Is there a function that does percentile-percentile plot. I do not mean
the qqplot. I need to plot the percentiles rather than points themselves.
I am hoping for a plot that tells me that the x percentile of one data set
corresponds to the y percentile of the other. for example a point on the
plot of (.5, .2) will tell me that the 50th percentile of the first data
and the 20th percentile of