How does one get a list of all the color names supported by R and the mapping between color names and hex codes? Color names are things like "red", "salmon", etc. I am using Windows 2000 Professional and R 1.7.1.
On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:> How does one get a list of all the color names supported by > R and the mapping between color names and hex codes? Color > names are things like "red", "salmon", etc. >colors() gives the list, and as its help page tells you, col2rgb converts color specifications to RGB triples. It should be fairly easy to convert these to hex codes if you need to. -thomas
Gabor Grothendieck wrote:> How does one get a list of all the color names supported by > R and the mapping between color names and hex codes? Color > names are things like "red", "salmon", etc. > > I am using Windows 2000 Professional and R 1.7.1. >See ?colors ?col2rgb ?rgb Regards, Sundar
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