> From: Don MacQueen [mailto:macq at llnl.gov]
> At 5:29 PM +0100 4/30/03, Luke Whitaker wrote:
> >
> >At the risk of starting a religous war, isn't java the obvious
> >for a platform independent GUI ? I know java suffered a lot from
> >early over hypeing when it wasn't really ready, but in the last
> >or two I've seen some very impressive platform independent
> >built with java.
> Not unless it's a whole lot better than Insightful's initial
> effort on Solaris.
> The GUI itself (i.e., how it operated, what menus were where, etc.)
> was fine, but it was completely useless for anyone sitting at a
> remote host, due to dreadful image quality and poor performance when
> displaying anywhere other than on the console of the machine on which
> SPlus was actually running.
> (maybe it was ok displayed on a remote host of the same architecture;
> I don't remember; but neither I nor any of the potential additional
> users was)
AFAIK the problem is the X server: it gives you a black window if the X
display is 16-bit. If you can live with 8-bit display, the Java GUI will
work. It's that way on all Unix (X?) platform.
> -Don
> >just my tuppence worth...
> >
> >Luke
> >
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> --------------------------------------
> Don MacQueen
> Environmental Protection Department
> Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
> Livermore, CA, USA
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