I'm looking for ideas for creating high-quality plots for use in projected presentations (powerpoint, etc) --- ideally high-quality png, jpg, bmp. The graphics produced using the postscript device look very good. Those generated with win.graph(), png are plagued by the jaggy lines. So far, the only way I can use the postscript plots in my presentations is using separate screen capture software. Can someone suggest a better way? Thanks, + seth
Falcon, Seth wrote:> I'm looking for ideas for creating high-quality plots for use in projected > presentations (powerpoint, etc) --- ideally high-quality png, jpg, bmp. > > The graphics produced using the postscript device look very good. Those > generated with win.graph(), png are plagued by the jaggy lines. > > So far, the only way I can use the postscript plots in my presentations is > using separate screen capture software. Can someone suggest a better way? > > Thanks, > > + sethIf you are using R under Windows, the best way to get an R graphic into PowerPoint (at least one of them) is to simply right click over the plot window and copy the graphic to the clipboard as a metafile. Then in PowerPoint, use the "large object" slide type. Click on the object frame in the slide and simply paste the graphic (CTRL-V) from the clipboard into the slide. Using the metafile format will enable you to maintain a high quality image that is also re-sizable (ie. dragging the object frame on the slide). The bitmapped graphic formats do not re-size will and will distort. Hope that helps, Marc Schwartz
Seth, The R functions png(), jpg() and bmp() will generate files that can be used in PowerPoint. Previews can be added to postscript files, using Ghostview and ImageMagik among others. I have done the latter in the past since the postscript files are of an excellent standard, and because I've wanted both to display and print a report. Having separate viewing and printing versions of graphs is not very convenient. Regards, Andrew C. Ward CAPE Centre Department of Chemical Engineering The University of Queensland Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia andreww at cheque.uq.edu.au Quoting "Falcon, Seth" <sfalcon at fhcrc.org>:> I'm looking for ideas for creating high-quality plots for use in projected > presentations (powerpoint, etc) --- ideally high-quality png, jpg, bmp. > > The graphics produced using the postscript device look very good. Those > generated with win.graph(), png are plagued by the jaggy lines. > > So far, the only way I can use the postscript plots in my presentations is > using separate screen capture software. Can someone suggest a better way? > > Thanks, > > + seth > > ______________________________________________ > R-help at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list > http://www.stat.math.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help >
Seth Falcon <sfalcon at fhcrc.org> wrote:> I'm looking for ideas for creating high-quality plots for use in projected > presentations (powerpoint, etc) --- ideally high-quality png, jpg, bmp.I recently struggled with the problem of generating plots from R on Unix that could be used in PowerPoint on Windows. I learned that "png" format works reasonably well, but the default resolution from png() was inadequate. I ended up using: bitmap("myfile.png", type="png16m", height=8.5, width=11, res=300) and you might try even higher resolutions (res=600). -- -- David Brahm (brahm at alum.mit.edu)