Dear Jonathan,
The all.effects function in the car package will identify the high-order
terms in a linear or generalized-linear model and absorb terms marginal to
them (e.g., for a two-way interaction, the main effects marginal to the
interaction and the constant). The plot method for the object produced uses
trellis graphics to plot terms, but for a two-way interaction, the
information in the object could easily be plotted as an image (or other 3D)
I hope that this helps,
At 10:02 AM 2/3/2003 +0000, Davies, Jonathan wrote:>I've been told that you may be able to help.
>I have a complex linear model with multiple two-way interaction terms. Is
>there a way to view the interaction terms in a 3d plot equivalent to the S
> > plan<-interp(x,y,z)
> > image(plan)
>where x and y are my explanatory variables and z my response variable.
John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M4
email: jfox at
phone: 905-525-9140x23604