as far as I remember, no answer until now...?
Please tell us exactly what you have done, including data, if possible.
Without this information no help is possible.
On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Vincent Stoliaroff wrote:
> Hi
> 1) I am using the function ca() of the package multiv to make a
> correspondance analysis of a matrix of categorical datas which are
> numericaly coded. I would like to be sure that it is considered as a matrix
> of categorical datas and not numerical. I cannot find any explicit mention
> of that in the help file for this function
> 2) I would like to take the resulting matrix rproj to do a clustering.
> I use hierclust() and partition() of the package multiv
> regarding hierclust()
> when I use the method number 1 i get this error:
> Error in hclust(a, method) : invalid clustering method
> when I change the number of the method I get
> Error in pmatch(x, table, duplicates.ok) :
> argument is not of mode character
> As for the partition() function, I also have some troubles. It seems I
> should mention a vector of clustered centers for initiating the iterative
> optimization process. But I do not know where to enter it.
> I get the following message
> Error in matrix(0, ng, m) : non-numeric matrix extent
> Has anybody ever encountered those problems?
> Thanks a lot
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Christian Hennig
Seminar fuer Statistik, ETH-Zentrum (LEO), CH-8092 Zuerich (currently)
and Fachbereich Mathematik-SPST/ZMS, Universitaet Hamburg
hennig at stat.math.ethz.ch, stat.ethz.ch/~hennig
hennig at math.uni-hamburg.de, math.uni-hamburg.de/home/hennig
ich empfehle boag.de