--- Lecca Paola <lecca at science.unitn.it> wrote:> Hello to everybody !
> I don't have a question directly connected with R,
> but it takes starting
> point from the use of the R function Krig for
> kriging interpolation and
> from the idea of making a different implemetation of
> the function for my
> purposes.
> Doas anyone know where can I find free C or C++
> codes of kriging ?
Try ai-geostats.org. Look under the software link.
There you can find a number of geostatistical apps
including several with C, C++ or F77 source code. If
you are going to wire the routine(s) into some other
code check into GSLIB, though it is fortran (f77 and
f90 version). I did not have any problems compiling
several the F77 subroutines with g77.
Just a note (opinion): you indicate 'kriging'. Focus
on the variography--that is the heart of the matter.
Michael Grant
Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards®
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