Dear Patty
This may not be what you are asking for, but I have made a package for
GLM's with spatially correlated random effects, called geoRglm (intended
for geostatistical data). It is not using the Gibbs sampler for MCMC but
instead a Langevin-type algorithm, so it not an extension to GLMMGibbs.
The package is not yet submitted to CRAN, but can be dowloaded from the
where also an introduction to the package is found (note that it
requires package geoR).
Best Regards
Ole F. Christensen
Patty Solomon wrote:>
> Dear R-users,
> I wondered if anyone has extended GLMMGibbs to include correlated
> random effects, and if so, whether they would be willing to let me
> use their code?
> Jonathan Myles has no plans to extend glmm in this manner within the
> foreseeable future.
> With thanks,
> Patty
Ole F. Christensen
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Fylde College, Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA1 4YF, England
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