Dear R-listers,
I would like to carry out a very basic descriptive analysis of homicides
rates in Italy, taking into account both the spatial dimension (103
provinces) and the temporal dimension (10 years), but no covariates. In
practice, what I would like to do is to describe spatio-temporal variation
of homicide rates, identifying those combinations of province-year where
the homicide rate is either over- or underrepresented based on Poisson
Is it possible to carry out such an analysis with R? If so, what package
should be preferred? GLMMGibbs, geoRglm, and function glmmPQL in MASS
package sound as possible choices to me, but I'm no expert of this kind of
analysis and I'd much appreciate any indication.
Thank you very much for any help and best regards,
Maurizio Pisati
Maurizio Pisati Home: +39-0331-388988
Via Castelfidardo, 9 Office: +39-02-64487533 (University of Milano
21052 Busto Arsizio VA E-mail: maurizio.pisati at
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