R help - Dec 2000

Sunday December 31 2000
7:56PM 3 The book: S Programming
3:08AM 4 R as a daemon?
Saturday December 30 2000
9:09PM 3 ARIMA
8:19PM 0 Extracting repeated observations from a large data set
3:57PM 0 Double stem-and-leaf
11:30AM 2 extracting parameters from vector
Friday December 29 2000
8:51PM 0 oa.design substitute
5:04PM 0 Update: Dynamic Memory Allocation Errors in 1.2.0?
11:46AM 2 how to create help files
10:04AM 0 Is this a bug? Having cex!=1 before setting par(mai=) gives strange line spacings.
Thursday December 28 2000
5:18PM 1 Dynamic Memory Allocation Errors in 1.2.0?
5:18PM 1 function write
7:26AM 1 anova
Wednesday December 27 2000
5:40AM 1 Dll problem
Tuesday December 26 2000
4:36AM 1 A "bug" in Rconsole?
Friday December 22 2000
7:52PM 2 factor analysis
4:51PM 1 TSERIES package dependencies
12:22PM 0 updated tseries
12:16PM 2 REading the netCDF format into R
9:15AM 0 Using variable names in data frame
7:37AM 1 Found "answer" to my question on MTB's INDICATOR
6:20AM 1 Do we have similar function to Minitab's INDICATOR?
Thursday December 21 2000
11:49PM 1 read.table memory requirements
10:49PM 2 Legends on plots
9:52PM 1 RODBC install unsuccessfully
9:44PM 1 terms() and I( ) -- extract variables names only
8:46PM 0 factor support added in gss
7:55PM 1 RH7.0 compilation
5:42PM 1 Factor analysis with R
3:03PM 1 statistical quality control
12:21PM 0 Help about communalities
11:08AM 0 GAM and NN in R
Wednesday December 20 2000
8:16PM 1 Shortcut for dev.copy2eps
7:53PM 0 once more: Iterative or Wiener deconvolution routines?
6:43PM 1 high-density vertical lines
4:01PM 3 glm
7:55AM 1 Question about coplot() ...
4:17AM 1 Installing R
3:36AM 1 Partial table.
3:02AM 2 hyperlinks to other packages in .Rd files
12:57AM 1 dev.ask
12:15AM 2 Names
Tuesday December 19 2000
7:40PM 0 usa() map
6:23PM 1 sm library
4:33PM 1 Re: ESS for R
4:11PM 1 packages installation failed on Linux
1:06PM 2 Subtle changes from 1.1 to 1.2
10:28AM 0 Length of text in plot
7:55AM 1 update.packages()
3:29AM 1 A bug (?) in Rgui Configuration Editor (buffer lines) in R1.2.0 for Windows (Rgui.exe)
3:08AM 1 translation from the old-S
Monday December 18 2000
11:19PM 1 Rwinst.exe problems
9:43PM 0 Rwinst.exe 1.2.0 problems
9:33PM 2 R-1.2.0 and command recall/edit
5:53PM 1 Latest/last beta of R 1.1.1 for MacOS (rel Dec 10 2000)
3:39PM 1 Packages for R 1.2.0 for Windows
1:08PM 0 mva - kmeans (repetitive requests)
12:44PM 1 Scope change in R1.2?
10:55AM 2 Segmentation fault with expression on linux
10:29AM 1 Modelling Question
9:10AM 1 error when loading nlme
8:27AM 3 problems with glm (PR#771)
7:47AM 1 How can I get "A$Title"?
Sunday December 17 2000
3:23PM 1 multiframe in postscript
11:08AM 1 AW: Permutations
12:44AM 1 functions for subsets: a minor R programming challenge
Saturday December 16 2000
10:30PM 0 No subject
5:21PM 1 g2c library
9:02AM 1 R-1.2.0 installation problems...
Friday December 15 2000
8:21PM 1 Colour to RGB value?
6:50PM 1 resolution of windows metafiles
3:55PM 0 Gibbs sampling in GLMMs: Beta testers required
3:42PM 2 debugger not recognizing C routine names
3:39PM 1 Bug in bitmap producing pdf???
Thursday December 14 2000
9:38PM 2 create a function given a string
4:59PM 1 How do I track a segfault?
3:40PM 0 using R's random numbers in another program
3:22PM 1 Sort in descending order
3:13PM 0 performance problem
10:01AM 2 Accuracy problem in dchisq for non-central chi-squared
9:35AM 0 Categorical datasets
6:02AM 0 R code for robust regression
1:58AM 2 compiler info
Wednesday December 13 2000
7:00PM 0 comparing ancova models: summary
3:56PM 0 choose(n, k) for k>n: An inconsistency?
1:53PM 1 explosed-pie
12:33PM 0 R compilation on Alpha/Linux with ccc/cxx/fort
11:25AM 0 Iterative or Wiener deconvolution routines?
3:15AM 2 randomized block design and two-way factorial design
1:16AM 1 comparing ancova models
Tuesday December 12 2000
9:44PM 0 correspondence analysis
9:44PM 2 Windows <--> UNIX File Conversion
8:38PM 0 Controlling R from Java
7:24PM 1 smoothing binary data
2:51PM 1 increasing memory size in R
10:17AM 1 [Fwd: R code and robust regression]
3:09AM 0 Off-topic---hardware
Monday December 11 2000
8:39PM 1 Installation
8:27PM 0 ica functions/package
2:50PM 0 GIS and Spatial stat summary
1:04PM 1 Problem with DLL in Windows NT (PR#763)
Sunday December 10 2000
11:13PM 0 Patents on algorithms harm data analytic services
8:13PM 1 basic plot() question
1:58PM 3 installing R 1.1.1 on SuSE 7.0
9:09AM 1 more boxplot questions
5:25AM 1 seq(0.05,0.95,by=0.002) and logical error
Saturday December 9 2000
7:39PM 2 filtering lines in a table
Friday December 8 2000
9:39PM 1 ylim doesn't work in boxplots?
6:37PM 2 R and wavelets
6:28PM 0 Bounded Density Estimation
4:53PM 0 AIC in glm()
2:47PM 1 Problem with multiple factors in nlme
1:34PM 0 COM server for RExcel
9:03AM 0 Re: R-help Digest V2 #283
8:39AM 0 Where is a function for minimum spanning tree in R for win
7:05AM 2 GIS and Spatial stats
12:08AM 1 Sans Serif Fonts?
Thursday December 7 2000
7:12PM 1 Reversing x-axis
5:03PM 2 Heteroskedasticity in R
4:57PM 1 Function ang?
4:12PM 0 plot of a cut
3:49PM 0 Tuning the nlm function
3:14PM 0 "split" argument in summary.aov?
1:14PM 0 printing
12:14PM 0 Re: R or Splus
11:20AM 0 Announcing (R-version): smart prediction
11:09AM 0 pictex device
9:55AM 0 Re: Importing Excel .xls into R
9:10AM 0 TCL TO R
6:58AM 1 Compiling R for MacOS X / shared libraries
12:51AM 0 mclust was Re: R or Splus
Wednesday December 6 2000
7:12PM 0 Update HTML help index under Windows
6:56PM 2 Expression in plot text
2:59PM 1 R: RE:
2:40PM 1 Plot: Two newbie questions
1:19PM 2 Re: R or Splus
12:16PM 0 Stepwise Regression
11:32AM 1 Landscape problems with ps2pdf [summary]
11:26AM 0 RODBC update
11:02AM 8 No subject
9:40AM 0 Locfit
3:22AM 0 maps
Tuesday December 5 2000
6:24PM 0 Re: mail loop?
6:14PM 1 Is robust regression available in R.
6:06PM 0 Graph device?
6:01PM 0 It's just like deja vu all over again
4:15PM 1 Reading to and from Window files
3:41PM 6 R or Splus?
3:29PM 0 Newbie question(piecewise linear relationship)
9:18AM 0 Windows install.packages & update.packages
8:32AM 0 calculation of inertial difference with huygens theorem in ward clustering ?
Monday December 4 2000
5:16PM 0 Data Exchange with StatDataML for MATLAB
4:10PM 0 as.character() problem?
3:25PM 1 interp equivalent
Sunday December 3 2000
1:31AM 2 error handling
Saturday December 2 2000
8:59PM 2 axis label rotation
7:53PM 1 multicomp functions that in S but not in R
Friday December 1 2000
10:57PM 1 simple (NEWBIE) question re: prcomp or princomp
8:57PM 1 text in new window
11:18AM 0 integers, reals