> Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 21:08:58 -0600 (CST)
> From: Roger Koenker <roger at ysidro.econ.uiuc.edu>
> Sender: owner-r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Precedence: bulk
> In ancient times, circa 1980, S data directories were called swork and
> not .Data, and "New-S" as described in the already medieval
"Blue Book"
> discusses a function DBCONVERT that converted swork data into .Data data.
> It is embarrassing to admit it, but I still have data archives from a BTL
> machine called alice in the swork format and would like to convert a
> to something modern. I had assumed that DBCONVERT or some equivalent would
> still be in my early modern Splus 3.3 version, but apparently not.
> Could anyone advise me on an alternative strategy?
> My apologies for such a backward looking question, but in my experience
> the most forward looking are those also capable of looking backward.
> So this seemed to be the most promising venue for the question.
> url: econ.uiuc.edu Roger Koenker
> email roger at ysidro.econ.uiuc.edu Department of Economics
> vox: 217-333-4558 University of Illinois
> fax: 217-244-6678 Champaign, IL 61820
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Ah, history--
I did a little digging (not to imply that I remember that far back!).
DBCONVERT is (or was) a shell script that basically ran the S function
gtds(file) on all the file names for the old-S datasets.
If you have access to a version of S-Plus that still has the gtds
function, you can do the same thing, either a file at a time or by
creating a shell script, and then dump the resulting S objects.
For example, if $dir is the name of the directory holding the old-S
ls $dir |sed "s:.*:& <- gtds(\"$dir/&\"):" >
and then run myScript.S as an S source file.
If gtds has disappeared from your available collection of old, but
still runable, versions of S-Plus, then life will be more difficult.
(The underlying code for gtds was written in the pre-processed
ratfor/Fortran described in "Extending the S System", R. A. Becker and
John M. Chambers, 1985.)
John Chambers
John M. Chambers jmc at bell-labs.com
Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies office: (908)582-2681
700 Mountain Avenue, Room 2C-282 fax: (908)582-3340
Murray Hill, NJ 07974 web: cs.bell-labs.com/~jmc
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