R help - Nov 1998

Monday November 30 1998
3:34PM 3 R functionality
1:22PM 1 make error of R-0.63
11:17AM 0 R for Windows -- packages
Sunday November 29 1998
8:46PM 2 [Johannes Huesing <tmi0m0@sp2.power.uni-essen.de>] Media coverage
5:41PM 1 Question about dotplot
Saturday November 28 1998
7:42PM 1 No subject
6:35AM 2 dyn.load and/or add new package (Windows 98)
6:11AM 0 Survival and Hazard Analysis
Friday November 27 1998
11:41PM 1 No subject
8:15AM 0 my libraries
Thursday November 26 1998
11:38PM 1 heap memory exhausted
5:30AM 0 Lindsey libraries for Win
Wednesday November 25 1998
11:40PM 1 varimax and promax rotation
8:33PM 1 Connect to Visual? and Bench Mark
6:57PM 1 Install problems.
Tuesday November 24 1998
9:35PM 1 Loess & Tar file
3:59PM 0 error in rank()
7:44AM 0 list assignment
12:08AM 0 Additional autoconf test for linuxppc/mklinux
Monday November 23 1998
10:34PM 1 R-0.63.0.tgz untar problem!
4:06PM 0 No subject
9:37AM 1 Problems compiling R-0.63.0
Sunday November 22 1998
11:10AM 0 Making libraries on gnuwin32 R-0.63.0
Saturday November 21 1998
1:09AM 1 Genetic Algorithms
Friday November 20 1998
7:03PM 2 R and hdf
6:07PM 2 installing R packages in Windows?
12:31PM 4 R-0.63 for MsWindows
Thursday November 19 1998
10:21PM 2 Re: ESS & R data import problems
8:31PM 0 database-like natural join operations in R?
8:29PM 0 Data Entry Work
8:18PM 0 R data import problems
7:28PM 0 Debian Linux package of R-0.63.0
8:00AM 0 SuSE RPMs available
12:42AM 1 configure on Solaris 2.6 for R-0.63
Wednesday November 18 1998
4:45PM 1 loading fortran with Redhat 5.1
3:58PM 1 0.63 naming list elements
12:48PM 0 FPE Exception R-0.63 DU-4.0b
Monday November 16 1998
7:27PM 2 0.63 missing .pl files in etc?
6:07PM 0 VR and tree libraries for 0.63
3:05PM 0 Re: Hotelling corrected
8:28AM 1 PB Mandeville can't be reached
Saturday November 14 1998
11:29PM 1 unable to load modreg in R-0.63
5:23PM 0 R: WIN-NT
8:04AM 1 seq() in 0.62.4 and 0.63
5:05AM 2 S-Poetry in R
Friday November 13 1998
5:39PM 0 R-0.63 is released
4:06PM 1 compute geometric mean
2:08PM 0 WIN-NT
11:38AM 3 SuSE package
Wednesday November 11 1998
7:54PM 1 Wavelets in R
5:11PM 1 Just curiosity
5:09PM 0 R/S incompatibility
12:36PM 1 MANOVA / Hotelling's Test
Tuesday November 10 1998
5:13PM 0 Debian GNU/Linux package of R-0.62.4
12:14PM 1 Pivoting a data.frame
Monday November 9 1998
7:39PM 0 princomp output ??
4:36PM 0 my libraries: rmtools to rmutil
3:59PM 2 no subject (file transmission)
3:53PM 0 no subject (file transmission)
2:46PM 0 S-Plus RNG (fwd)
1:35PM 1 help with "attach"
Saturday November 7 1998
3:40AM 1 simple questions about R (fwd)
1:14AM 1 principal component plots
Friday November 6 1998
9:34AM 1 DEC alpha INSTALLATION R-0.62.4
8:30AM 0 R-0.62.4 for MsWindows (again)
8:23AM 0 my libraries again - problems with Fortran
8:23AM 1 R-0.62.4 for MSWindows
Thursday November 5 1998
1:06PM 1 compilation of 0.62.4
Wednesday November 4 1998
7:56PM 1 histograms of profiles for each class
3:53PM 3 simple questions about R
2:50PM 0 S internal function AsciiToIn
12:09PM 0 Version 0.2 of my five libraries
5:12AM 0 HDF
Tuesday November 3 1998
4:11AM 1 configuration/compilation problems
Sunday November 1 1998
8:34PM 0 new platform (?) -- problems compiling