On Wed, Nov 11, 1998 at 01:00:34PM -0500, Norm Josephy
> Sir:
> I find your version of R excellent. I am teaching a course
> next semester on Graphical Exploratory Data Analysis, and am
> looking forward to having my students use this software.
> Thank you for making it available.
> ............................................................
> I am interested in having my students do
> some wavelet exploring. The only public domain R/S/Splus
> package that I am aware of is an S/S-plus package,
> wavethresh, by Nason and Silverman. I tried to dyn.load
> their object file, but was unsuccessful. I am not a C
> programmer, and I do not have C-language tools available for
> Microsoft Windows (I do most of my academic work using
> Linux, but the school only supports Windows, and all
> students are required to have Microsoft Windows machines).
> Might you know of someone who has successfully used a
> wavelets package with your Windows binary of R?
> Again, thank you for making this package available.
> Norman Josephy
> Associate Professor, Dept. Of Mathematical Sciences
> Bentley College
> Waltham, MA 02154 U.S.A.
At the best of my knowledge, wavetresh hasn't be ported to R.
I don't know it so I don't know how much work is required
to made wavetresh working with R.
If you have time, and if the package is really under a license
that let this, I would suggest to try to pack wavetresh
as a R package WORKING UNDER LINUX (or some other fashion of Unix).
Look to the R-Faq and to some of the module available in CRAN
for what is needed (for a `polite' S module this can be as
easy as (1) re-structuring the directories in the way R expects them;
(2) converting (automagically) the documentation; (3) make some
moderate make-up to the Makefile).
Then, I would like to help you with the MsWindows part.
I forward this message to r-help hoping that someone
can give you some more advice.
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