R devel - Aug 2009

Monday August 31 2009
11:45PM 0 setRepositories() doesn't allow graceful cancellation from GUI menu (PR#13937)
11:20PM 0 xy.coords assumes lists will have x and y components, but doesn't check (PR#13936)
5:13AM 2 Problem in matrix definition?
Saturday August 29 2009
7:35AM 2 round off errors? (PR#13918)
Friday August 28 2009
9:00PM 1 c() poor error reporting (PR#13917)
4:30PM 1 names<- in data.frame (PR#13916)
2:07PM 1 S4: names stripped during instantiation of grandchildren of numeric class
1:12AM 2 R CMD check does not recognize S4 functions inside other functions?
Thursday August 27 2009
9:37PM 3 ARM v7/Linux Port/cross-compile?
2:15PM 1 R 2.10.0 devel package check error
11:35AM 0 Backup ( *~ ) files in R 2.9.2 distribution (PR#13914)
11:25AM 1 Wishlist: specify the border color of boxes in legend() (PR#13913)
Wednesday August 26 2009
9:05PM 0 Errors in manpage of bs() (splines) (PR#13912)
7:37AM 1 Problem with standard generic methods in Matrix package
Tuesday August 25 2009
8:30PM 3 math symbol + value of a variable in legend.
8:10PM 1 Problems opening R (PR#13908)
7:45PM 1 R CMD on windows 7
5:54PM 1 package dependencies specification
4:31PM 1 Cannot make 3 different R installations for 3 different valgrind-instrumentation levels
3:13PM 1 Problem with correct usage of formula environment
12:52PM 1 R command line behaving funny
12:41PM 2 Clarifications please.
Monday August 24 2009
9:19PM 1 nchar on factors
8:38PM 0 CRAN and noweb
8:25PM 0 Tk question
4:02PM 2 Formulas in gam function of mgcv package
3:52AM 1 Basic Question regarding PROTECT
Saturday August 22 2009
7:45PM 1 improving ?RweaveLatex
Friday August 21 2009
9:00PM 1 problem with plot.lm?
3:55PM 0 R installation problem with shared libraries (PR#13900)
12:03PM 2 Lightweight 'package' idea.
9:21AM 2 more special completions
7:50AM 1 sessionInfo() fails to correctly detect locale settings
3:00AM 0 R installation problem with recommended packages (PR#13899)
1:00AM 1 R compilation problem on 64 bit SunOS (PR#13898)
Thursday August 20 2009
9:51PM 0 Documentation of ties.method argument in `rank`
8:00PM 1 header containing (PR#13834)
12:41PM 2 Problem using findVar( ) in combination with R's lazy evaluation
Wednesday August 19 2009
8:24AM 1 Lattice: Drawing a single contour line with a negative value fails
3:05AM 0 ?Random.user slightly out of sync with code (PR#13895)
Tuesday August 18 2009
9:06PM 1 trouble building 2.10?
9:30AM 0 error during build: lstat64 already defined (PR#13894)
Monday August 17 2009
10:03PM 2 unnecessary braces?
8:54PM 1 Polymorphism of predict
6:06PM 2 S4: inheritance of validity methods?
5:52PM 3 Base "Object" class to use in S4 slot specification
2:23PM 4 Calling C functions with value parameters
11:51AM 2 S4 Generics and NAMESPACE : justified warning ?
Sunday August 16 2009
10:37PM 1 R CMD check --use-valgrind doesn't run valgrind on tests
10:38AM 1 Printing the null hypothesis
Friday August 14 2009
2:53AM 1 Package-level access to Rp->R_Quiet ?
1:07AM 1 Embed R, and provide a function to user scripts
Thursday August 13 2009
11:35PM 1 power.t.test (PR#13891)
8:54PM 2 CMD check error (bug?)
7:27PM 1 segfault when unloading a shared library
3:38PM 1 Class design as used in package graphics
12:26AM 1 eurodist example dataset is malformed
Wednesday August 12 2009
4:25PM 2 10x slower merge in mac 2.9.1 vs. 2.9.0 (PR#13890)
4:10PM 0 Problem with Linux x86_64 RODBC and Netezza (PR#13889)
11:32AM 2 Problem with function in fortran 95
Tuesday August 11 2009
10:05PM 1 Awkward escaping with five backslashes within \code{ } in new parse_Rd
4:51PM 1 readBin() arg check has unnecessary overhead (patch included)
4:15PM 3 loadings function (PR#13886)
3:28PM 0 FIFO on windows, redux
2:00PM 1 Appendix A problem (PR#13885)
Monday August 10 2009
2:56PM 0 Rcpp and variable protection
10:31AM 1 Error Building R + X11 on SuSe 10S
10:09AM 0 Error Building R + X11 on SuSe 10
10:02AM 1 multicore mclapply hangs
9:30AM 0 Duplicated lines in configure
12:30AM 1 model.matrix evaluation challenges
Sunday August 9 2009
5:04PM 3 odbcConnectExcel on non-Windows?
2:20PM 1 Why is strptime always returning a vector of length 9 ?
Saturday August 8 2009
6:31PM 2 Problem using model.frame with argument subset in own function
2:39PM 2 identical(0, -0)
Friday August 7 2009
10:35PM 1 Bug in nlm, found using sem; failure in several flavors (PR#13883)
7:40PM 0 Bug in nlm, found using sem; failure in several flavors (PR#13882)
7:35PM 2 R patched & devel versions as portable ZIP files
6:10PM 1 Bug in nlm, found using sem; failure in several flavors (PR#13881)
1:43PM 2 Changing the compiler gfortran to ifort
9:33AM 1 options( "menu" )
7:34AM 0 Help with embedding R
Thursday August 6 2009
8:45PM 1 [R] Repeatable, But Time Varying R GUI Crash (PR#13880)
7:17PM 0 About numerical accuracy: should there be a rational number class for fractions?
5:00PM 0 Inconsistent documentation in Writing R Extensions (PR#13878)
2:00PM 1 Section 1.3.1 of R-Ext Documentation lists tests/Examples/pkg-Rex-Rout.save incorrectly (PR#13877)
1:50PM 1 Inconsistent documentation in Writing R Extensions (PR#13876)
12:55PM 0 tk_choose.filesn () (tcltk) intolerant of whitespace (PR#13875)
Wednesday August 5 2009
8:16PM 7 why is 0 not an integer?
4:29PM 1 inheriting C symbols
9:32AM 1 exec subdirectory of a package
9:08AM 0 compiling DLL under Visual Studio IDE
12:50AM 0 Wishlist: Navigate to "Index" page of help when no topic (PR#13873)
12:10AM 2 Wishlist: Navigate to "Index" page of help when no topic (PR#13872)
Tuesday August 4 2009
11:35PM 0 Wishlist: Navigate to "Index" page of help when no topic (PR#13871)
10:05PM 0 Alt-F4 leaves RGUI console in wait state when closing some dialog boxes (PR#13870)
9:00PM 0 Sweave errors during package building
6:45PM 0 Error (or inaccuracy) in complex arithmetic (PR#13869)
4:47PM 2 can a key of a list be a variable
3:18PM 0 would like to subscribe...
3:05PM 0 Wishlist: Navigate to "Index" page of help when no topic (PR#13868)
2:25PM 3 Accuracy (PR#13867)
1:10PM 0 Inconsistencies in missing names of a list?
10:05AM 0 save() does not issue an error if it tries to write on overfull hdd (PR#13866)
Monday August 3 2009
12:39PM 0 debug: mtrace(fun, FALSE) doesn't work for me
Sunday August 2 2009
8:25PM 1 Inaccurate complex arithmetic of R (Matlab is accurate)
Saturday August 1 2009
8:05PM 5 incorrect result (41/10-1/10)%%1 (PR#13863)