Rune Schjellerup Philosof
2009-Aug-03 12:39 UTC
[Rd] debug: mtrace(fun, FALSE) doesn't work for me
Hi tmp <- function(t=1) t+1 mtrace(tmp) mtrace(tmp) #Re-applying trace... #Error in `[[<-`(`*tmp*`, 1, value = list(t + 1)) : # incompatible types (from list to expression) in [[ assignment I think this used to work on my computer. A month ago I upgraded R from r-base (2.9.0-4intrepid0) to 2.9.1-2intrepid. Apparently it would be fixed if unmtrace is changed from body(f) <- list(body(f)[[3]]) to body(f) <- body(f)[[3]] -- Regards Rune Schjellerup Philosof Ph.d.-studerende, Statistik, IST, SDU Telefon: 6550 3607 E-mail: rphilosof at Adresse: J.B. Winsl?wsvej 9, 5000 Odense C