his is a query for suggestions on how best to setup the package for coxme. This should be ready for CRAN in about a week - I'm working out documentation details and some last test cases. The R CMD check and INSTALL processes work great on my computer. The rub is that they depend on noweb. Both algorithmicly and statistically this is the most complex bit of code I have done, and after some reading I decided to give the "literal programming" approach a try. It turns out to be one of the better ideas I've ever tried. The current package directory (on r-forge.r-progject.org) has a configure script of (cd R; make fun) which causes most of the R files to be built from the parent .Rnw files in inst/noweb. The cleanup script is (cd R; make clean) to remove them. This follows the Rforge suggestion that derived files not be under version control. Sweave is not able to extract files from the Rnw source since there are cascading definitions: chunk <<a>> references chunk <<b>> defined at a later (or earlier) point in the document. I don't have to retain "autosubmit" from Rforge. Perhaps the best I can do is to make a local copy, create the .R files there, delete the config and cleanup scripts, and submit that? Any ideas are appreciated. Terry Therneau