R devel - Nov 2008

Sunday November 30 2008
10:11PM 1 methods not found inside function?
9:36PM 1 normal-bracket50bracket-normal?
3:25PM 1 parallel build for package? (equivalent of make -j8)
Saturday November 29 2008
7:05PM 0 A small bug in R code of the legend function of the Graphics (PR#13350)
2:35PM 1 unrelated software install triggering an error from R's install script on Mac OS X 10.5
Friday November 28 2008
7:03PM 1 names generated in list indexing
2:55PM 1 Unable to plot or analyse phylogeny (PR#13345)
Thursday November 27 2008
3:35PM 1 missing parentheses in FAQ (PR#13343)
1:30PM 1 A small bug in R code of the legend function of the Graphics pacakge (PR#13340)
Wednesday November 26 2008
7:22PM 1 file.access() on network (mounted) drive on Windows Vista?
5:17PM 2 Rtools28 - undefined references with gfortran
4:52AM 0 Fedora 10, R and yes...help.start()...deja vu all over again...
Tuesday November 25 2008
10:38PM 2 dots methods: dispatch issues
10:30PM 1 Problem with installed.packages (PR#13332)
6:41PM 2 Suggestions for improving R-FAQ
Monday November 24 2008
9:55PM 0 [R] besselK
6:58PM 2 handling a matrix and .C
4:48PM 0 CRAN - db backend testing
3:01PM 1 make fails with no rule to make target `VR.ts'
2:39PM 1 FW: read.ssd
9:02AM 1 timezone attribute lost
Sunday November 23 2008
4:27PM 1 minor typo in assignOps help file
Saturday November 22 2008
3:45AM 2 wish: exportClassPattern
Friday November 21 2008
4:00PM 1 Wishlist: fix error in documentation for body<- (PR#13318)
1:50PM 1 cex.lab etc. ignored in plot.ts for multiple plots (PR#13315)
1:20PM 0 edge label position in plot.dendrogram(..., horiz=T) (PR#13313)
Thursday November 20 2008
8:25PM 3 Turning off compiler optimization
6:15PM 1 dchisq hangs in infinite loop (PR#13309)
1:45PM 2 Label justification (axis) (PR#13307)
Wednesday November 19 2008
8:52PM 2 Strategy for downloading packages
7:59PM 0 Buggy trellis.focus() with xyplot in JavaGD ?
7:19PM 0 doc buglet / attr method
6:50PM 0 qr.coef and complex numbers - still busted for non-square case? (PR#13305)
6:33PM 0 configure.vars arg needed for install.packages
4:55PM 1 Buggy trellis.focus() with xyplot ?
2:05PM 1 paste() retains quotes (PR#13304)
3:52AM 1 more efficient small subsets from moderate vectors?
Tuesday November 18 2008
10:24PM 2 R license: GPL v2 or v3?
10:07PM 2 anyone familiar with this error?
1:30PM 1 Wishlist - better object.size() function
1:24AM 1 checking for executable files ... WARNING
12:55AM 1 "deparse" with "nlines" argument produces empty elements (PR#13299)
Monday November 17 2008
9:00PM 0 lines.formula() problem when data argument is missing (PR#13296)
7:49PM 2 assign("FALSE", TRUE)
1:10PM 2 stringsAsFactors = FALSE
9:50AM 1 R problem with the seq function (PR#13295)
12:39AM 1 Diagnosing Crashes on garbage collection
Sunday November 16 2008
7:22PM 0 'by' with one-dimensional array
4:50PM 1 help.start() displays index.html in emacs (PR#13293)
4:06PM 4 Computing minimal detectable differences for general ANOVA models
9:26AM 1 Fw: alpha transparency crashes R
12:00AM 3 chisq.test with simulate.p.value=TRUE (PR#13292)
Friday November 14 2008
11:34PM 1 Problem trying to download rimage package (second try)
10:53PM 2 problem in downloading the rimage package
7:23PM 1 problem with postscript/pdf plots, locales and embedded R
6:30PM 0 (PR#13283) R crashes on sprintf with bad format
6:25PM 0 (PR#13283) R crashes on sprintf with bad format specification
2:15PM 1 Bug#505698: r-base-core: dev2bitmap fails with gsexe related error (PR#13288)
1:15PM 1 Line breaks in mathematical formulae in Rd files (PR#13287)
7:27AM 2 grid error: protection stack overflow
6:29AM 0 multiple item lists in value section of *.Rd
12:45AM 0 R crashes on sprintf with bad format specification (PR#13285)
Thursday November 13 2008
4:02PM 1 Experimental Rd parser in trunk.
3:35AM 1 Package install problem on Windows (PR#13284)
1:30AM 1 R crashes on sprintf with bad format specification (PR#13283)
Wednesday November 12 2008
11:05PM 1 Documentation error in Writing R Extensions (PR#13282)
6:50PM 0 Splus-specific entries in pkg/DESCRIPTION files
4:28PM 1 what does negative indexing in a matrix mean?
Tuesday November 11 2008
8:40PM 1 error during list allocation
6:20PM 2 is.matrix
4:50PM 1 Linking to headers and shared library in another package
1:23PM 0 RFC: Offline help
Monday November 10 2008
7:21PM 2 typo in ?pie
6:35PM 1 Issue with Mac OSX version of R (PR#13275)
10:50AM 0 Timeseries - window - extend problem (PR#13272)
5:00AM 0 erf calculation (PR#13271)
Sunday November 9 2008
4:11PM 1 Locating MiKTeX
Saturday November 8 2008
7:35PM 0 Bug in package iid.test (PR#13268)
12:00AM 0 geeglm crashes if there are no datapoints in predictor's first level (PR#13266)
Friday November 7 2008
9:35PM 0 barplot can put legend in wrong place, request option to override that (PR#13265)
5:40PM 1 Problems with packages fda and splines (PR#13263)
1:45PM 0 R 2.8.0. INSTALL script error on Solaris2.8 (PR#13261)
Thursday November 6 2008
11:53PM 0 problems executing a bulk load with SQL server
8:25PM 1 Axis gives error message (PR#13259)
8:05PM 3 .C(..., DUP=FALSE) memory costs depending on input size?
6:26PM 2 Two minor escaping issues using \preformatted{....} in Rd format
6:16PM 2 Fwd: SWIG with R and C++ STL
4:25PM 1 Compile error when configured with (PR#13256)
3:04PM 1 problem packaging S4 class that contains a slot of jobjRef class
Wednesday November 5 2008
10:47PM 2 puzzled by cat() behaviour when argument '...' is a vector (and argument 'sep' contains "\n")
4:10PM 0 Problem with Axis
Tuesday November 4 2008
9:17PM 0 problem with integrate
6:00PM 2 Building with MKL on Ubuntu
4:47PM 0 (PR#13195) Can't open files containing russian letters in path
Monday November 3 2008
9:33PM 1 possible tcltk event loop problem
12:45PM 0 row.names(data.frame(matrixWithDimnames)) depends on first (PR#13244)
9:00AM 2 Bug in Version 2.80? (PR#13243)
7:15AM 1 sort returns a wrong index (PR#13242)
Sunday November 2 2008
5:40PM 2 R CMD check with Matlab and perl?
5:40PM 0 Thanks for R-2.8.0 still on W2000
4:10PM 0 R.app data editor crashes with empty data frame (PR#13239)
2:33PM 1 Wishlist: pass args from demo() to source()
8:04AM 0 Emacs tags for R code
Saturday November 1 2008
3:40PM 1 cat: ./R/Copy: No such file or directory