gml4410 at
2008-Nov-07 13:45 UTC
[Rd] R 2.8.0. INSTALL script error on Solaris2.8 (PR#13261)
Full_Name: Gordon Lack Version: 2.8.0 OS: Solaris 2.8 Submission from: (NULL) ( The script in src/scripts has this at line 620: if ! test -f "${R_INCLUDE_DIR}/R.h" ; then That fails to run under sh on Solaris (itis OK in bash, which is why it runs OK on Linux). The correct sh syntax is: if test ! -f "${R_INCLUDE_DIR}/R.h" ; then i.e. test understands that ! means not, but the if statement in sh doesn't. The result of this is that you get error messages tryign to install extensions on Solaris. /the/path/to/my/installation/2.8.0/lib/R/bin/INSTALL: !: not found