Just guessing here, but it looks as though an attempt has been made
to execute the following command:
cat ./R/Copy of create.fourier.basis.R
This may have arisen because there is indeed a file named
"Copy of create.fourier.basis.R"
but the command was issued to the OS without quotes; or (perhaps
less likely, because of the presence of the "./R/") the line
"Copy of create.fourier.basis.R"
was intended as a comment in the file, but somehow got read as
a substantive part of the code.
Good luck!
On 01-Nov-08 15:40:33, Spencer Graves wrote:> Hello:
> What do you recommend I do to get past cryptic error messages
> from
> "R CMD check", complaining "No such file or directory"?
The package is
> under SVN control, and I reverted to a version that passed "R CMD
> check", without eliminating the error. The "00install.out"
file is
> short and bitter:
> cat: ./R/Copy: No such file or directory
> cat: of: No such file or directory
> cat: create.fourier.basis.R: No such file or directory
> make: *** [Rcode0] Error 1
> ---------- Making package fda ------------
> adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
> installing NAMESPACE file and metadata
> make[2]: *** No rule to make target `R/Copy', needed by
> `D:/spencerg/statmtds/splines/fda/RForge/fda/fda.Rcheck/fda/R/fda'.
> Stop.
> make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
> make: *** [pkg-fda] Error 2
> *** Installation of fda failed ***
> Removing
> Thanks for any suggestions. I have a "*.tar.gz" file that
I hope
> may not have this problem, but I'm not sure.
> Thanks,
> Spencer
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Date: 01-Nov-08 Time: 16:19:56
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