R devel - Jun 2005

Thursday June 30 2005
12:10PM 2 upgrading an R installation to next versoin
11:50AM 1 Bartlett test problem (PR#7980)
7:20AM 0 Fwd: Does not run under Mac OS X 10.3.9 (PR#7975)
Wednesday June 29 2005
7:19PM 2 write.csv suggestion
5:55PM 1 Failed "make check" under Fedora Core 4 (PR#7979)
5:52PM 2 Failed make (PR#7978)
5:49PM 1 Viewing R objects in gdb
2:48PM 1 (PR#7972) row-side color bars ... in heatmap
3:02AM 2 How to convert "c:\a\b" to "c:/a/b"
Tuesday June 28 2005
9:02PM 1 Running ./tools/rsync-recommended through a proxy
12:37PM 2 boxplot by factor (Package base version 2.1.1) ( PR#7976)
12:34PM 2 Error in compiling R
7:40AM 0 boxplot by factor (Package base version 2.1.1) (PR#7976)
4:23AM 1 Does not run under Mac OS X 10.3.9 (PR#7975)
1:37AM 2 symbol.For problem? (PR#7974)
12:55AM 2 axTicks on a reverse ylog plot (PR#7973)
Monday June 27 2005
7:55PM 0 row-side color bars do not reverse properly in heatmap (PR#7972)
2:38PM 2 R v2.1.1 for Windows and "non-reproducible" crashes
2:06PM 0 Wish/suggestion: Install packages on fly via library()
4:25AM 1 Unused argument "na.action" to pairs.formula
2:24AM 2 Cannot choose language for installing (PR#7971)
1:17AM 1 R mailing list archive: alternative interface
Sunday June 26 2005
9:49PM 0 Possible bug in summary of residuals with lm and weights
8:56PM 2 a hack regarding "No documentation ...."
5:52PM 2 Objects and regex (PR#7970)
2:00PM 0 Factor correlations in factanal
Friday June 24 2005
1:52PM 1 Capitalize the title in DESCRIPTION files? (PR#7969)
1:18PM 4 Embedding R in C application
Thursday June 23 2005
8:18PM 1 list.files() reorders files in R CMD INSALL
6:46PM 0 typo in dev2bitmap.R (PR#7966)
3:48PM 1 Unattended Windows installation of R modified with v2.1.1
Wednesday June 22 2005
8:15PM 1 Rgui bug in Windows: leftover download dialog (PR#7964)
3:15PM 1 Suggestion for the R Bugs web page
3:09PM 1 Lapack calls from fortran
3:01AM 0 Data you can use student (PR#7963)
2:46AM 2 Trouble with ifelse and if statement (PR#7962)
Tuesday June 21 2005
5:13PM 0 weighted.residuals for glm objects (PR#7961)
4:54PM 1 Open device -> glibc 2.3.4 bug for Redhat Enterprise 4?
4:24PM 2 efficiency of sample() with prob.
Monday June 20 2005
10:18AM 2 capabilities() and non-catchable messages
9:16AM 0 Use of PACKAGE= argument in .C etc calls
Sunday June 19 2005
10:53PM 1 1-based arrays and copying vectors
Saturday June 18 2005
4:34AM 0 Ambiguous address warning
4:19AM 1 loess returns different standard errors for identical models (PR#7956)
Friday June 17 2005
4:45PM 1 (PR#7951) DispatchOrEval missing in do_isfinite and do_isinfinite
12:58PM 1 hist.default documentation
6:42AM 0 (PR#7951) DispatchOrEval missing in do_isfinite and
1:29AM 1 R worked once, now will not open. Works in console, but won't graph. (PR#7953)
Thursday June 16 2005
9:30PM 1 2.1.0a for Macs (PR#7952)
9:22PM 0 DispatchOrEval missing in do_isfinite and do_isinfinite (PR#7951)
7:42PM 0 Tapes... DVDs... Now this...
6:49PM 0 Tapes... DVDs... Now this... (PR#7950)
3:56PM 1 motivation for setRepositories and chooseCRANmirror
3:42AM 1 a bug in glm.fit() (PR#7947)
Wednesday June 15 2005
11:17PM 0 Eilig Geschaftsvorschlag (PR#7945)
8:47PM 0 Eilig Geschaftsvorschlag (PR#7944)
7:25PM 1 (PR#7943) documentation enhancement: Note in ?seek for Windows
7:00PM 1 (PR#7943) documentation enhancement: Note in ?seek for
6:49PM 0 documentation enhancement: Note in ?seek for Windows (PR#7943)
4:51PM 0 (PR#7942) extra spaces before imag part when printing complex numbers
2:44PM 0 (PR#7942) extra spaces before imag part when printing
2:12PM 0 extra spaces before imag part when printing complex numbers (PR#7942)
11:56AM 3 write.table confused by rownames/colnames (PR#7941)
11:41AM 0 Calling C function from Fortran
10:37AM 1 source() chdir does not work (PR#7940)
Tuesday June 14 2005
7:01PM 1 wrong environment in anova call inside function (PR#7937)
5:05PM 3 Calling C from Fortran
12:08PM 0 by should use match.fun (PR#7936)
7:23AM 1 operators as S4 methods
Monday June 13 2005
8:51PM 1 (no subject)
1:01PM 0 Possible solution to missing title bars etc on X11 windows
10:54AM 1 Error in load(zfile, envir = envir) : input has been corrupted, with LF replaced by CR
8:43AM 1 memory allocation problem under linux
12:37AM 5 Citation for R
Sunday June 12 2005
6:10PM 1 by should use match.fun
12:18AM 0 Simple antidotes pur.chase, brings greater financial gains. (PR#7933)
Saturday June 11 2005
9:05PM 1 FW: Slovenian translation strings for R "installation programs"
4:57PM 1 Using Rserve
1:30PM 2 italic (PR#7932)
11:58AM 1 typo in ?lowess
11:52AM 0 Slovenian translation strings for R "installation programs"
3:06AM 1 Wishlist: strwidth allow for rotation of text (PR#7931)
Friday June 10 2005
9:52PM 1 Wishlist: axis( ) could take vector of colors (PR#7930)
4:41PM 1 source bug ? (PR#7929)
4:12PM 1 attach and object masking
3:10PM 2 R.app editor (PR#7928)
3:05PM 0 R.app editor (PR#7927)
3:03PM 1 R.app (PR#7926)
12:15PM 5 R 2.1.1 slated for June 20
9:45AM 0 [QuickML] Error: hello
9:43AM 1 Exiting R and package detachment?
4:34AM 1 Question about .Rd syntax
Thursday June 9 2005
7:13PM 1 single assignment affecting multiple sub-structures (PR#7924)
Wednesday June 8 2005
10:02PM 0 Bug in help(package=) (PR#7923)
6:42PM 1 feature request: enhance solve function with a symmetric option for faster operation for symmetric matrix
2:15PM 0 When are the perl modules compiled
2:11PM 0 Hey, Do you like to see specials on top-selling taablets?
Tuesday June 7 2005
1:05PM 5 Suggestion: help(<package name>)
5:13AM 1 update.packages keeps trying to update gregmisc
Monday June 6 2005
10:08PM 2 Bug in new() or validObject() in methods package (PR#7922)
2:18PM 0 Your e-mail could not be delivered (PR#7920)
1:54PM 2 How to vectorize
11:57AM 2 Segmentation fault using gentoo linux and mysql (PR#7919)
Sunday June 5 2005
10:18PM 5 A long digression on packages
1:43AM 1 fix for save()'ing RAW on PPC (and other big endian platforms)
Saturday June 4 2005
10:09PM 1 Characters in lists.
Friday June 3 2005
9:26PM 1 documentation source diff...
8:19PM 0 R-bugs will be offline starting June 7
8:08PM 2 using so-library involving Taucs
7:44PM 3 p-value > 1 in fisher.test()
Thursday June 2 2005
11:52PM 1 could not open libRmath.so
7:16PM 2 dotcode typo? (PR#7917)
6:33PM 1 dotcode typo?
2:48PM 1 Wishlist: more flexible handling of tick labels in axis.Date (PR#7914)
1:45PM 1 Wishlist: more flexible handling of tick labels in axis.Date (PR#7913)
11:49AM 1 print()ing of raw matrices (PR#7912)
Wednesday June 1 2005
11:10PM 0 Floating point problem (PR#7911)
6:33PM 0 anova.mlm again
3:49PM 2 sink() within a function?
12:51AM 1 Problem with fPortfolio