R devel - Mar 2003

Monday March 31 2003
4:34PM 3 docs, examples, man pages (PR#2711)
1:00PM 1 setIs?
Sunday March 30 2003
11:59PM 2 R-devel (1.7 to be) on windows XP
10:32PM 0 wishlist: add log argument to stripchart (PR#2710)
Saturday March 29 2003
5:48PM 1 install of grid fails in R-1.7.0beta_2003-03-29
4:13PM 1 compling errors for sun unix (PR#2702)
Friday March 28 2003
7:11PM 0 R-1.7.0beta_2003-03-28 Could not create DVI version
4:24PM 3 make check still fails with 1.7.0beta (3/27/2003)
Thursday March 27 2003
6:25PM 2 make check fails with 1.7.0beta
4:16PM 1 Deprecated component in plot.histogram (PR#2696)
3:48PM 1 panel.stripplot (PR#2694)
1:40AM 1 optim control trace=-1 gives more output than trace=0 (PR#2691)
Wednesday March 26 2003
11:46PM 2 R-1.7.0 beta available
11:47AM 0 Rprof/UseMethod
3:47AM 0 summary.manova (PR#2688)
3:01AM 1 formal methods and classes and capitalization conventions
12:33AM 0 termplot (PR#2687)
12:31AM 5 predict (PR#2686)
12:29AM 2 predict (PR#2685)
Tuesday March 25 2003
1:40PM 1 BUG report : 'rnorm' (LINUX, R 1.6.2) (PR#2682)
Monday March 24 2003
5:35PM 0 brackets in prompt.data.frame (PR#2676)
10:49AM 1 writing to file with encodings (PR#2674)
Sunday March 23 2003
11:18PM 1 error in POSIX help
Saturday March 22 2003
1:42AM 1 cumprod doesn't work with data frames (PR#2667)
Friday March 21 2003
7:37PM 1 Bugs in Osx Version of R (PR#2665)
Thursday March 20 2003
6:21AM 0 Message de Elodie
Wednesday March 19 2003
4:06PM 0 R CMD build 'package-list'
12:23PM 0 recursive default argument reference in debugger (PR#2656)
11:47AM 1 stepAIC() (PR#2655)
3:26AM 0 R-devel uses flat namespaces again
Tuesday March 18 2003
10:20AM 0 all.rda again
Monday March 17 2003
10:35PM 0 R CMD SHLIB uses foo.c instead of foo.cc if both are present (PR#2648)
6:58PM 0 flat namespaces
4:00PM 0 Changes in checking & error messages
11:23AM 1 What does is() mean?
9:26AM 1 R-devel on Darwin
Sunday March 16 2003
9:44PM 1 R CMD SHLIB uses foo.c instead of foo.cc if both are present (PR#2645)
7:48PM 1 R CMD SHLIB uses foo.c instead of foo.cc if both are present (PR#2644)
Friday March 14 2003
2:29PM 0 Bug in read.socket (PR#2639)
1:35PM 1 1.7.0 scheduled for April 16
11:32AM 0 [.terms
Thursday March 13 2003
11:19PM 2 The function 'apply' (PR#2633)
11:00PM 1 small error in regression tests
Wednesday March 12 2003
11:36PM 1 plot() with type="s" and lty=2 (PR#2630)
11:32PM 1 'summary' with logicals (PR#2629)
10:28PM 1 problem with library() (or possibly grid) in r-devel
5:28PM 1 cex.axis in boxplot (PR#2628)
5:07PM 2 class of integers
2:58PM 0 job opportunity
9:49AM 0 Special report on technological development (PR#2627)
Tuesday March 11 2003
7:54PM 0 katoliccy trilemna
11:41AM 1 R CMD check (again)
8:54AM 2 system(..., intern=TRUE) splits long lines (PR#2623)
7:20AM 0 problem with R-devel and R CMD check ?
Monday March 10 2003
5:19AM 0 (Florida & All Inclusive Bahamas Cruise $199 pp.
4:03AM 1 Problem with example(medpolish) in R-devel
Friday March 7 2003
11:14PM 0 Keywords
3:35PM 0 RFC: str(ordered(.))
Thursday March 6 2003
7:42PM 1 Suppressing row labels.
6:42PM 1 write.table row.names and col.names (PR#2611)
6:41PM 4 write.table row.names and col.names (PR#2610)
2:14PM 1 Some bugs in Rcmd check ? (PR#2608)
12:25PM 0 modifying ftable to allow percentages (wishlist) (PR#2606)
Wednesday March 5 2003
6:43PM 0 lty=as.numeric(NA)
2:53AM 1 order of package loading and printing messages to console on startup
Tuesday March 4 2003
5:35PM 1 CRAN scripts?
1:04AM 3 question on latticeParseFormula (PR#2602)
Monday March 3 2003
9:23PM 0 Hmisc and Design Packages
8:52PM 1 PR#2579
6:02PM 0 R-devel RNG change
5:47PM 1 How to compile all code with the -fPIC flag? (PR#2601)
4:21PM 1 "show" problem with R 1.7 devel
Sunday March 2 2003
12:29AM 2 bug in bwplot (PR#2595)
Saturday March 1 2003
6:37AM 2 density(), with argument of length 1 (PR#2593)
6:17AM 0 Music, Film, Screenplays - It's all here!
3:05AM 1 RE: [R] File opening error after 1020 files opened