2003-Mar-24 17:35 UTC
[Rd] brackets in (PR#2676) produces Rd-code with unbalanced brackets: data(iris) prompt(iris, filename=NA) gives ... $format [1] "\\format{" [2] " A data frame with 150 observations on the following 5 variables." [3] " \\describe{" [4] " \\item{Sepal.Length}{a numeric vector}" [5] " \\item{Sepal.Width}{a numeric vector}" [6] " \\item{Petal.Length}{a numeric vector}" [7] " \\item{Petal.Width}{a numeric vector}" [8] " \\item{Species}{a factor with levels}" [9] " \\item{Species}{\\code{setosa} }" [10] " \\item{Species}{\\code{versicolor} }" [11] " \\item{Species}{\\code{virginica} }" [12] "}" where the closing bracket to "describe" is missing. The fix seems simply changing fmt <- c(fmt, "}") to fmt <- c(fmt, " } \n } ") in line 208 of "prompt.R". Torsten