Gluster users - Mar 2010

Wednesday March 31 2010
11:49AM 1 file not found on DHT, but it exists
Tuesday March 30 2010
4:11PM 1 Documentation for cluster/map translator, and timeline for production readiness?
Monday March 29 2010
7:10PM 1 webdav and os x
5:39PM 1 glusterFS (v3.0.3) memory leaks?
10:52AM 2 Performance problems
10:29AM 1 Gluster Storage Platform + Storage Aggregation
Friday March 26 2010
6:27PM 0 Know Your GlusterFS Native NFS Server (ALPHA)
5:04PM 2 Configuration suggestions (aka poor/slow performance on new hardware)
11:28AM 1 Strange performance issues on Debian/Lenny compared to Ubuntu
6:14AM 0 GlusterFS
Thursday March 25 2010
9:44PM 1 Import Config
10:38AM 5 Old story - glusterfs memory usage
9:17AM 1 Mixing transport-types?
Wednesday March 24 2010
11:58PM 1 Concerned about glusterfs performance
Tuesday March 23 2010
2:04PM 0 Error with Server Side setup
11:01AM 3 ubuntu 10.04LTS will ship with 3.0.2
8:37AM 3 gluster local vs local = gluster x4 slower
Monday March 22 2010
5:59PM 5 Setup for production - which one would you choose?
1:37PM 1 mod_glusterfs?
Sunday March 21 2010
1:07AM 1 cache before threads or visa versa
Friday March 19 2010
5:27PM 1 io-cache Bug?!
4:56PM 1 glusterfs as centralized and high-availability storage for virtualization
Thursday March 18 2010
11:43PM 1 poor dd performance w/ gluster 3.0.3
6:40PM 1 Quickread Translator Memory Leak?
4:36PM 4 Announcement: Alpha Release of Native NFS for GlusterFS
1:48PM 2 Random "No such file or directory" error in gluster client logs - FIXED
12:13AM 4 rsync causing gluster to crash
Tuesday March 16 2010
3:51PM 2 Having trouble in adding servers
12:20PM 0 GlusterFS 3.0.3 Released
9:12AM 0 Glusterfs for SLES11
Monday March 15 2010
7:24AM 1 Mounting gluster volume from fstab at boot - Specifying multiple server nodes
4:08AM 1 Glusterfs 3.0.X crashed on Fedora 11
Sunday March 14 2010
4:08PM 1 how to export 4 disks by only one subvolume name?
12:18AM 2 Boot GSP node with KVM and VirtIO
Friday March 12 2010
7:06PM 3 Lock error with mysql over gluster
2:57PM 2 Gluster and iSCSI
9:07AM 1 DHT and NUFA
Thursday March 11 2010
7:05PM 1 glusterfs and zfs and freeBSD
Tuesday March 9 2010
11:58PM 2 advice on optimal configuration
10:10PM 1 Using NFS on client side
5:24PM 1 Force resync between two nodes with 3.0.2 version
Monday March 8 2010
5:53PM 1 Not mounting
1:09PM 1 AFR and version compatibility
Sunday March 7 2010
5:21PM 1 How to re-sync
Saturday March 6 2010
11:31PM 2 Storage Platform 3.0.3 - Cannot Login
8:53AM 1 Problem With AFR
Thursday March 4 2010
10:13PM 5 glusterfs-volgen
7:23PM 1 io-cache undefined symbol: notify dumpops
5:08AM 1 [3.0.2] booster + unfsd failed
Tuesday March 2 2010
5:13PM 2 crash when using the cp command to copy files off a striped gluster dir but not when using rsync
1:51PM 1 [Gluster-devel] inode list memory usage
4:43AM 1 Can gluster export be nfs exported too?
Monday March 1 2010
7:59PM 1 Issue with replication of open files & server reboot