Whilst debugging a problem in dovecot LDA over the last few days, I came
across two different issues in coding techniques.
(Note: Please don't take this negatively; my intent is both positive and
The front page of the website www.dovecot.org says:
"it uses several coding techniques to avoid most of the common
So I hope it is OK to follow the spirit of that with some suggestions.
The two issues I encountered both seem to be fairly easy holes to fall
into, and yet equally easy to avoid in the first place by using
established C practices.
Firstly, many 'if' statements having a single statement (whether in then
or else part) are currently written in a short-cut fashion:
if (condition)
statement 1;
statement 2;
This, though technically legal, is potentially lethal when inserting (say)
debugging statements. Without diligence it is all to easy to produce:
if (condition)
debug 1a;
statement 1;
debug 1b;
debug 2a;
statement 2;
debug 2b;
A simple edit that looks, layout-wise, as if it would do the right thing
(and do in Python!); but actually radically changes the execution flow.
(This is left as an exercise to the reader... to demonstrate the point.)
Could I suggest that the relevant brackets be always used as a matter of
course? Something like:
if (condition) {
statement 1;
} else {
statement 2;
Then the insertion of debug statements doesn't inflict surprise.
(No, I didn't fall into this hole. But it is a trap waiting to happen.)
Secondly, code duplication. To give one example:
appears in both 'deliver/deliver.c' and 'master/mail-process.c'.
is also a similar looking function in 'auth/auth-request.c'.) Perhaps
consideration should be given to merging such instances. For instance, my
woes with "%i"-expansion being treated differently in mail-reading and
mail-delivery would likely never have arisen if common code had been used.
I hope that helps (constructively!).
Best wishes.
: David Lee I.T. Service :
: Senior Systems Programmer Computer Centre :
: Durham University :
: http://www.dur.ac.uk/t.d.lee/ South Road :
: Durham DH1 3LE :
: Phone: +44 191 334 2752 U.K. :