M Ensbey
2008-Jul-30 11:03 UTC
[R] Mixed effects model where nested factor is not the repeated across treatments lme???
Hi, I have searched the archives and can't quite confirm the answer to this. I appreciate your time... I have 4 treatments (fixed) and I would like to know if there is a significant difference in metal volume (metal) between the treatments. The experiment has 5 blocks (random) in each treatment and no block is repeated across treatments. Within each plot there are varying numbers of replicates (random) (some plots have 4 individuals in them some have 14 and a range in between). NOTE the plots in one treatment are not replicated in the others. So I end up with a data.frame with 4 treatments repeated down one column (treatment=A, B, C, D), 20 plots repeated down the next (block= 1 to 20) and records for metal volume (metal- 124 of these) I have made treatment and block a factor. But haven't grouped them (do I need to and how if so) The main question is in 3 parts: 1. is this the correct formula to use for this situation: lme1<-lme(metal~treatment,data=data,random=~1|block) (or is lme even the right thing to use here?) I get:> summary(lme1)Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML Data: data AIC BIC logLik 365.8327 382.5576 -176.9163 Random effects: Formula: ~1 | block (Intercept) Residual StdDev: 0.4306096 0.9450976 Fixed effects: Cu ~ Treatment Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value (Intercept) 5.587839 0.2632831 104 21.223688 0.0000 *** TreatmentB -0.970384 0.3729675 16 -2.601792 0.0193 *** TreatmentC -1.449250 0.3656351 16 -3.963651 0.0011 *** TreatmentD -1.319564 0.3633837 16 -3.631323 0.0022 *** Correlation: (Intr) TrtmAN TrtmCH TreatmentB -0.706 TreatmentC -0.720 0.508 TreatmentD -0.725 0.511 0.522 Standardized Within-Group Residuals: Min Q1 Med Q3 Max -2.85762206 -0.68568460 -0.09004478 0.56237152 3.20650288 Number of Observations: 124 Number of Groups: 20 2. if so how can I get p values for comparisons between every group... ie is A different from B, is A different from C, is A different from D, is B different from C, is B different from D etc... is there a way to get all of these instead of just "is A different from B, is A different from C, is A different from D" which summary seems to give? 3. last of all what is the best way to print out all the residuals for lme... I can get qqplot(lme1) is there a pre-programmed call for multiple diagnostic plots like in some other functions... Thankyou so Much for your time.... It is much appreciated ;-) Miki [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
ctu at bigred.unl.edu
2008-Jul-30 15:40 UTC
[R] Mixed effects model where nested factor is not the repeated across treatments lme???
Hi Miki, I just got the same problem with you couple hours ago. Rusers (Anna, and Mark {thank you guys}) provide me a vary valuable information. link to following address. http://www.nabble.com/Tukey-HSD-(or-other-post-hoc-tests)-following-repeated-measures-ANOVA-td17508294.html#a17559307 for the A vs. B, A vs. C.... You could install and download the multcomp package and perform the post hoc test such as summary(glht(lmel,linfct=mcp(treatment="Tukey"))) hopefully it helps Chunhao Quoting M Ensbey <m.ensbey at unimelb.edu.au>:> Hi, > > > > I have searched the archives and can't quite confirm the answer to this. > I appreciate your time... > > > > I have 4 treatments (fixed) and I would like to know if there is a > significant difference in metal volume (metal) between the treatments. > The experiment has 5 blocks (random) in each treatment and no block is > repeated across treatments. Within each plot there are varying numbers > of replicates (random) (some plots have 4 individuals in them some have > 14 and a range in between). NOTE the plots in one treatment are not > replicated in the others. > > > > So I end up with a data.frame with 4 treatments repeated down one column > (treatment=A, B, C, D), 20 plots repeated down the next (block= 1 to 20) > and records for metal volume (metal- 124 of these) > > I have made treatment and block a factor. But haven't grouped them (do I > need to and how if so) > > > > The main question is in 3 parts: > > > > 1. is this the correct formula to use for this situation: > lme1<-lme(metal~treatment,data=data,random=~1|block) (or is lme even the > right thing to use here?) > > > > I get: > >> summary(lme1) > > Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML > > Data: data > > AIC BIC logLik > > 365.8327 382.5576 -176.9163 > > > > Random effects: > > Formula: ~1 | block > > (Intercept) Residual > > StdDev: 0.4306096 0.9450976 > > > > Fixed effects: Cu ~ Treatment > > Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value > > (Intercept) 5.587839 0.2632831 104 21.223688 0.0000 *** > > TreatmentB -0.970384 0.3729675 16 -2.601792 0.0193 *** > > TreatmentC -1.449250 0.3656351 16 -3.963651 0.0011 *** > > TreatmentD -1.319564 0.3633837 16 -3.631323 0.0022 *** > > Correlation: > > (Intr) TrtmAN TrtmCH > > TreatmentB -0.706 > > TreatmentC -0.720 0.508 > > TreatmentD -0.725 0.511 0.522 > > > > Standardized Within-Group Residuals: > > Min Q1 Med Q3 Max > > -2.85762206 -0.68568460 -0.09004478 0.56237152 3.20650288 > > > > Number of Observations: 124 > > Number of Groups: 20 > > > > 2. if so how can I get p values for comparisons between every > group... ie is A different from B, is A different from C, is A different > from D, is B different from C, is B different from D etc... is there a > way to get all of these instead of just "is A different from B, is A > different from C, is A different from D" which summary seems to give? > 3. last of all what is the best way to print out all the residuals > for lme... I can get qqplot(lme1) is there a pre-programmed call for > multiple diagnostic plots like in some other functions... > > > > > > Thankyou so Much for your time.... > > > > It is much appreciated > > ;-) > > > > Miki > > > > > [[alternative HTML version deleted]] > > ______________________________________________ > R-help at r-project.org mailing list > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-help > PLEASE do read the posting guide http://www.R-project.org/posting-guide.html > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. >
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