search for: treatments

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2008 Apr 04
lme4: How to specify nested factors, meaning of : and %in%
...e R output for the various fits. Thanks a lot for your help, Claus Wilke [1] The more I think about this example, the more I belive that the formula should actually be Glycogen~Treatment+(1|Rat/Treatment/Liver). However, for the sake of the argument, please assume that rats are nested within treatments, because that corresponds to the case I actually want to analyze. > (m1<-lmer(Glycogen~Treatment+(1|Treatment/Rat/Liver))) Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML Formula: Glycogen ~ Treatment + (1 | Treatment/Rat/Liver) AIC BIC logLik MLdeviance REMLdeviance 231.6 241.1 -109.8 234...
2003 Mar 21
Trying to make a nested lme analysis
Hi, I''m trying to understand the lme output and procedure. I''m using the Crawley''s book. I''m try to analyse the rats example take from Sokal and Rohlf (1995). I make a nested analysis using aov following the book. > summary(rats) Glycogen Treatment Rat Liver Min. :125.0 Min. :1 Min. :1.0 Min. :1 1st Qu.:135.8
2008 Sep 22
lme problems
Hi, I'm analysing a dataset in which the same 5 subjects (male.pair) were subjected to two treatments (treatment) and were measured for 12 successive days within each treatment (layingday). Overall 5*2*12=120 observations. I want to test the effect of treatment, time (layingday) and their interaction. I have done so through the ANOVA below: > bmc3<-aov(Mean1~treatment*layingday+Error(male....
2011 Oct 05
gamm: problems with corCAR1()
Dear all, I?m analyzing this dataset containing biodiversity indices, measured over time (Week), and at various contaminant concentrations (Treatment). We have two replicates (Replicate) per treatment. I?m looking for the effects of time (Week) and contaminant concentration (Treatment) on diversity indices (e.g. richness). Initial analysis with GAM models showed temporal autocorrelation of
2012 Dec 03
Nested ANCOVA question
Hello R experts, I have having a difficult time figuring out how to perform and interpret an ANCOVA of my nested experimental data and would love any suggestions that you might have. Here is the deal: 1) I have twelve tanks of fish (1-12), each with a bunch of fish in them 2) I have three treatments (1-3); 4 tanks per treatment. (each tank only has one treatment applied to it) 3) I sampled multiple fish from each tank (1-3) and would like to nest my tanks within each treatment (i.e. four tanks nested in treatment 1, four tanks in treatment 2 and four tanks in treatment 3) in order to account f...
2009 Apr 02
help with two layers of factors
I have a data frame that looks something like... Column 1 is an experiment_id, Column 2 is the type of treatment ("control", "full treatment", or "partial treatment"), and Column 3 is a value. Experiment_id Treament_type Value 12345 "control" 3 12345 "full treatment" 4 12345 "full treatment" 5 12345 "partial
2005 Mar 17
Repeated Measures, groupedData and lme
Hello I am trying to fit a REML to some soil mineral data which has been collected over the time period 1999 - 2004. I want to know if the 19 different treatments imposed, differ in terms of their soil mineral content. A tree model of the data has shown differences between the treatments can be attributed to the Magnesium, Potassium and organic matter content of the soil, with Magnesium being the primary separating variable. I am looking at soil mineral dat...
2008 Sep 02
Appending a record to a table
Hi I''m not too sure how best to explain this but here goes! I am trying to write an appointment system. I have, through example, just about got the dynamics correct. Even tried to play with some table joins (and excuse me if I''ve used the incorrect terminlogy). But no matter what I try I can''t seem to get the following code to work. I have a cart filled with Treatment
2013 May 01
Multiple Paired T test from large Data Set with multiple pairs
Hi, Assuming that your dataset is similar to the one below: set.seed(25) dat1<- data.frame(Algae.Mass=sample(40:50,10,replace=TRUE),Seagrass.Mass=sample(30:70,10,replace=TRUE),Terrestrial.Mass=sample(80:100,10,replace=TRUE),Other.Mass=sample(40:60,10,replace=TRUE),Site.X.Treatment=rep(c("ALA1A","ALA1U"),each=5),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) library(reshape2)
2008 Feb 03
Effect size of comparison of two levels of a factor in multiple linear regression
Dear R users, I have a linear model of the kind outcome ~ treatment + covariate where 'treatment' is a factor with three levels ("0", "1", and "2"), and the covariate is continuous. Treatments "1" and "2" both have regression coefficients significantly different from 0 when using treatment contrasts with treatment "0" as the baseline. I would now like to determine effect sizes (akin to Cohen's d in a two-sample comparison) for the comparison to baseline...
2006 Jun 15
Repost: Estimation when interaction is present: How do I get get the parameters from nlme?
...stupidity on my part but it may not be so simple. In brief, my problem is I'm not sure how to extract parameter values/effect sizes from a nonlinear regression model with a significant interaction term. My data sets are dose response curves (force and dose) for muscle that also have two treatments applied Treatment A (A- or A+) and Treatment B (B-/B+). A single muscle was used for each experiment - a full dose response curve and one treatment from the matrix A*B (A-/B-, A+/B-, A-/B+ and A+,B+). There are 8 replicates for each combination of treatments We fit a dose response curve to each...
2011 Jul 14
LME and overall treatment effects
...5*5*8) with 6 missing values). I am modelling this in two ways, firstly with year as a continuous variable (interested in the difference in estimated slope over time in each treatment 'year*treatment'), and secondly with year as a categorical variable (interested in difference between 'treatments'). When using Year as a continuous variable, the output of the lme means that I can compare the 3 treatments within my model... i.e. it takes one of the Treatment*year interactions as the baseline and compares (contrasts) the other two to that. I can then calculate the overall treatment*ye...
2012 Jun 26
How to estimate variance components with lmer for models with random effects and compare them with lme results
Hi, I performed an experiment where I raised different families coming from two different source populations, where each family was split up into a different treatments. After the experiment I measured several traits on each individual. To test for an effect of either treatment or source as well as their interaction, I used a linear mixed effect model with family as random factor, i.e. lme(fixed=Trait~Treatment*Source,random=~1|Family,method="ML") so f...
2004 Aug 19
List dimention labels to plots of components
It is frustrating to see the labels I want in the dimensions of a list but not be able to extract those labels into titles for plots generated from component objects. If someone could set me straight, I would appreciate it. For your amusement, I have provided an example of the Byzantine code I am currently using to avoid loops: # Simulate ANOVA type test data sex<-c(rep(1,8),rep(0,8))
2011 Jun 28
gam confidence interval (package mgcv)
Dear R-helpers, I am trying to construct a confidence interval on a prediction of a gam fit. I have the Wood (2006) book, and section 5.2.7 seems relevant but I am not able to apply that to this, different, problem. Any help is appreciated! Basically I have a function Y = f(X) for two different treatments A and B. I am interested in the treatment ratios : Y(treatment = B) / Y(treatment = A) as a function of X, including a confidence interval for this treatment ratio (because we are testing this ratio against some value, across the range of X). The X values that Y is measured at differs between the...
2008 Nov 12
creating a file of p.values
Hi all, I am performing hundreds of kruskal wallis tests and trying to figure out how to create a file of the p.values I obtain. This is the code I use for the tests: A2<-kruskal.test(X2~treatment) A3<-kruskal.test(X3~treatment) A4<-kruskal.test(X4~treatment) A5<-kruskal.test(X5~treatment) A6<-kruskal.test(X6~treatment) A7<-kruskal.test(X7~treatment)
2007 Mar 13
lme4 and mcmcamp
Dear R users I am trying to obtain p-values for (quasi)poisson lmer models, using Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling and the command summary. > > My problems is that p values derived from both these methods are totally different. My question is (1) there a bug in my code and > (2) How can I proceed, left with these uncertainties in the estimations of > the p-values? > > Below is
2007 Mar 12
Lmer Mcmc Summary and p values
Dear R users I am trying to obtain p-values for (quasi)poisson lmer models, including Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling and the command summary. > > My problems is that p values derived from both these methods are totally different. My question is (1) there a bug in my code and > (2) How can I proceed, left with these uncertainties in the estimations of > the p-values? > > Below
2008 Aug 22
Help on competing risk package cmprsk with time dependent covariate
Dear R users, I d like to assess the effect of "treatment" covariate on a disease relapse risk with the package cmprsk. However, the effect of this covariate on survival is time-dependent (assessed with cox.zph): no significant effect during the first year of follow-up, then after 1 year a favorable effect is observed on survival (step function might be the correct way to say that ?).
2010 Oct 31
Need help with lmer model specification syntax for nested mixed model
...e conflicting online information about whether and how to specify nesting structure for a nested, mixed model. I'll describe my experiment and hopefully somebody who knows lme4 well can help. We're measuring the fluorescence intensity of brain slices from frogs that have undergone various treatments. We want to use multcomp to look for differences between treatments, while accounting for the variance introduced by the random effects of brain and slice. There are a few measurements per slice, several slices per brain, and several brains per treatment. In the data file, the numbering for slic...