On Sat, 29 Sep 2007, Martin Efferz wrote:
> how to install the GammaTest package under WindowsVista? Only source code
> available, no binaries.
> Have tried R CMD INSTALL. The error message is:
> ----------- Making package GammaTest --------------------
> adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
> making DLL .
> gcc.exe: installation problem, cannot exec 'cc1': No such file or
Please do read the R-admin manual and see what it says about compilers and
Vista. You haven't told us your version of R (as the posting guide asked
you to)! Look at the R-patched version at
(and search for 'Vista') for recent information for R 2.5.x, or use the
version in R 2.6.0 RC if you are using that.
> Have installed MinGW and set the path properly.
But as 'cc1.exe' is not on the path that cannot be true.
> Can someone provide the windows binaries for that package?
They are not distributed for a very good reason, and it seems you have not
bothered to look at the repository to see why:
You could make use of Uwe Ligges' autobuilder to make a binary for
yourself: again see the R-admin manual for details.
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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