On 20/12/2010 5:18 PM, Mark Heckmann wrote:> Dear R users,
> I want to create a proper .Rd file for the show method for an S4 class.
> I am encountering problems in the \usage{} line, I guess. An example:
> setClass("testClass",
> representation(a="character"))
> setMethod("show", "testClass", function(object){
> })
> The .Rd file:
> \name{show,-method}
> \alias{show,testClass-method}
> \alias{show}
> \title{Show method for testClass...}
> \usage{\S4method{show}{testClass}(object)
> }
> \description{Show method for testClass}
> \arguments{\item{testClass}{object}
> }
> CHECK says:
> * checking Rd \usage sections ... WARNING
> Undocumented arguments in documentation object 'show,-method'
> object
> What would be a correct \usage line? Writing R extensions says:
> \S4method{generic}{signature_list}(argument_list)
That's okay, the warning is about the fact that you didn't document
object in the \arguments section.
You had
but you should have had
\item{object}{some description of what object is}
As yours was written, it's documentation for the "testclass"
which doesn't exist.
> What am I doing wrong?
> It works though if I simply delete the \usage line.
> Unfortunately I use roxygen and the line is created automatically,
> so I need to create it properly.
Does roxygen also create the argument? Looks like a bug or limitation
(I seem to recall that roxygen doesn't support S4, or didn't in the
Duncan Murdoch
> Thanks in advance,
> Mark
> ???????????????????????????????????????
> Mark Heckmann
> Blog: markheckmann.de
> R-Blog: ryouready.wordpress.com
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