mousy0815 <mousy0815 <at>> writes:
> I'm trying to make a function that will output the exponent... so
f2(2,2) = 4
> and f2(2,3)=8. But I don't want to just use the x^n function, I want to
> it another way, and without a recursion. I did the follow code but for some
> reason it doesn't work. Help please?
> f2 <- function(x, n) #without recursion {
> y <- 1
> if (n==0) {return(1)} else {
> if (length(y) < (n+1) {
> y <-append(y, x, after = length(y))
> } else {return(prod(y))}
> }
> }
Since this list is not intended for homework (see the posting
guide) can you please tell us why (other than homework) you might
be trying to do this?
Ben Bolker