Dear List! I installed R and quite a few packages I use. When I try to start BiodiversityR the library loads without any problems but GUI do not start. Rcmdr loads without any problems. I am using R 2.13.0 64 bit. Downgrade to R 2.12.2 works. Thanks, Janos
J?nos Korponai <korponai.janos <at>> writes:> > Dear List! > > I installed R and quite a few packages I use. When I try to start > BiodiversityR the library loads without any problems but GUI do not start. > Rcmdr loads without any problems. I am using R 2.13.0 64 bit. > > Downgrade to R 2.12.2 works.Doesn't work here (Ubuntu 2.13.0) either. It looks like the problem may be some change either in R Commander (the "Rcmdr" package on which the GUI is built) or in R 2.13.0 such that require(Rcmdr) does not pop up the GUI automatically. Your best bet would probably be to contact the maintainers of the package [maintainer("BiodiversityR")] for help, who may in turn need to work with John Fox (author of Rcmdr). Ben Bolker
Janos, Vegan has just been updated due to a problem with BiodiversityR and R 2.13, not sure if its the same issue you are having, but updating vegan could be worth a try. Graham On 1 June 2011 20:08, János Korponai <> wrote:> Dear List! > > I installed R and quite a few packages I use. When I try to start > BiodiversityR the library loads without any problems but GUI do not start. > Rcmdr loads without any problems. I am using R 2.13.0 64 bit. > > Downgrade to R 2.12.2 works. > > Thanks, > Janos > > ______________________________________________ > mailing list > > PLEASE do read the posting guide > > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. >[[alternative HTML version deleted]]