Hi Mary,
Are you using R for your other analysis?
If so, What commands are you using for your analysis?
p.s: please keep the rest of the R-help mailing list in the loop.
Contact me: Tal.Galili@gmail.com | 972-52-7275845
Read me: www.talgalili.com (Hebrew) | www.biostatistics.co.il (Hebrew) |
www.r-statistics.com (English)
On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 4:24 PM, MARY A. WEISS <mweiss@temple.edu> wrote:
> Hi Tal,
> Thanks for your answer. I am running models with two-way fixed effects and
> two-way fixed effects with a cluster option. The results are very
> different. I wanted to know if it is appropriate to cluster my data or
> not. In looking through the R manual, I thought that prabclus might help
> answer the question. Does prabclus include any tests that will tell me if
> cluster analysis is appropriate to use with my data? That is, is cluster
> analysis valid for my data?
> Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. I really appreciate it.
> Mary
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 7:20 AM, Tal Galili <tal.galili@gmail.com>
>> Hi Mary,
>> I'm not sure I understood your question.
>> Are you using this package:
>> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/prabclus/index.html
>> <http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/prabclus/index.html>And
>> how to decide if to use it or not?
>> ----------------Contact
>> Details:-------------------------------------------------------
>> Contact me: Tal.Galili@gmail.com | 972-52-7275845
>> Read me: www.talgalili.com (Hebrew) | www.biostatistics.co.il (Hebrew)
>> www.r-statistics.com (English)
>> On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 7:54 PM, mary weiss <mweiss@temple.edu>
>>> Does R have the capability to perform tests for the need of
>>> analysis (e.g., in prabclus)? I am using panel data with two-way
>>> effects but am unsure about whether I should be using a cluster
option as
>>> well to estimate my model.--
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> --
> Mary A. Weiss, Ph. D.
> Deaver Prof. of Risk, Insurance & Healthcare Mgmt
> Editor, Risk Management and Insurance Review
> Risk, Ins. & Healthcare Mgmt Dept.
> Fox School of Business
> 1801 Liacouras Walk 6th Fl (006-07)
> Temple University
> Philadelphia, PA 19122
> 215-204-1916
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