In the Value section of the 'seq' help page it says 'seq_along' and 'seq_length' always return an integer vector. I believe it should be 'seq_along' and 'seq_len' always return an integer vector. as there are no seq_length function? Best, Niels -- Niels Richard Hansen Web: Associate Professor Email: Niels.R.Hansen at Department of Mathematical Sciences nielsrichardhansen at University of Copenhagen Skype: Universitetsparken 5 Phone: +45 353 20783 (office) 2100 Copenhagen ? +45 2859 0765 (mobile) Denmark
On 2010-09-03 2:05, Niels Richard Hansen wrote:> In the Value section of the 'seq' help page it says > > 'seq_along' and 'seq_length' always return an integer vector. > > I believe it should be > > 'seq_along' and 'seq_len' always return an integer vector. > > as there are no seq_length function? > > Best, Niels >Looks like that's fixed in R2.12.0. (It's always a good idea to check the development version.) -Peter Ehlers
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