Try this:
cat("\n", file = "tables.csv", append = TRUE)
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Krishna Tateneni <tateneni at>
wrote:> Greetings and happy new year!
> I'm attempting to write a series of tables to a CSV file, and would
like to
> insert a blank line after each table. To do this, I use:
>> write.csv(NULL,"tables.csv",append=T)
> which appears to work, except that this warning is thrown:
>> Warning message:
>> In write.table(NULL, "tables.csv", append = T, col.names =
NA, ?:
>> appending column names to file
> I tried col.names=F in the write.csv call, but the argument is ignored,
> presumably because NULL does not have col.names.
> Is there a better way to insert the blank lines? ?Many thanks for
> enlightening me!
> --Krishna