I put out an email last night with output from my package check. Many thanks to Uwe and Liviu who got back to me quickly about how to fix some of the errors. I realize though, that I had some additional questions / confusion points in terms of documenting packages. 1) I seem to understand how to document a straightforward function, but am having trouble figuring out how to document methods functions when creating new S4 objects. For instance, I am trying to document the following function: setMethod("tail", "NFIRS", function(x, n=5) tail(as.data.frame(x), n=n)) So far, I have the following for my .Rd file (built automatically by package.skeleton) \name{tail-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{tail-methods} \alias{tail,ANY-method} \alias{tail,NFIRS-method} \title{ ~~ Methods for Function tail ~~} \description{ ~~ Methods for function \code{tail} ~~ } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{x = "ANY"}{ ~~describe this method here } \item{x = "NFIRS"}{ ~~describe this method here } }} \keyword{methods} \keyword{ ~~ other possible keyword(s)} Since the tail method is already defined for R and my function works the exact same, do I still need to make a man file for this function? Do I just copy the information from the R tail function (i.e. Title: "Return the First or Last Part of an Object"). What do I put down under describe (the "items" don't really make sense to me since my tail function requires two things 1) an object of type "NFIRS" and 2) n, the number of rows to display -- I don't understand what x="ANY" and x="NFIRS" means)? Do I need to add any keywords, or can I just erase the "other possible keywords" line? 2) Do all functions in a package need to be documented even if the user will never use them. I have lots of little support functions that the user should never really use. Just wondering if all packages submitted to CRAN are required to have every last function documented. Thanks for your help. --Markus [[alternative HTML version deleted]]