hey, this is the situation, an user may only access x clients (ex , 1, 5 ,6 ,7), so i make a string with those ids and paste it to the sql statement, the user is from the session #creating a list of all the client record ids the user may access and paste it in the sql statement if user.has_permission(''admin'') || user.view_all == 1 text = "" else text = "" first = true # only list current user''s clients for client in user.clients if first == true text += " and id IN ( " + client.id.to_s first = false else text += ", " + client.id.to_s end end if first == false text += " ) " end end #getting the clients records depending on the given paramaters and paginate it @client_pages, @clients = paginate :client, :conditions => [''firm_id = ? and name like ? and '' + ''address1 like ? and zip like ? and city like ? and country like ? and deleted like ? ''+ text, @firm_id, "%#{@name}%", "%#{@address1}%", "%#{@zip}%", "%#{@city}%", "%#{@country}%",0] , :order_by => "name ASC", :per_page => 10 the ids are always from the session, so i was wondering if i can do the ids conditions on the model, and the rest in the controller. Or will the one condition overwrite the other??? Thanks Nick