2008-Jun-02 11:19 UTC
[R] Help : R-packages : Problems loading package fSeries
Hi. I am trying to load the package fSeries, in order to load the package fGarch after. However, it says the following message.> local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE)))+ if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)}) Loading required package: fBasics (Error : ... infinite recursion) Loading required package: fImport Loading required package: fSeries Loading required package: fBasics Loading required package: fImport Loading required package: fSeries . . . Loading required package: fBasics Loading required package: fImport Loading required package: fSeries After repeating many warnings like this (at least 100 times), it says there is an infinite recursion of these packages. I have tried to load the packages fBasics or fImport first but for these, I also get this kind of messages. Could anybody help me ? Thanks a lot. Regards, Celine. email : celine.le-goazigo@edf.fr [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
Yohan Chalabi
2008-Jun-02 12:28 UTC
[R] Help : R-packages : Problems loading package fSeries
>>>> "CLG" == Celine LE-GOAZIGO <celine.le-goazigo at edf.fr> >>>> on Mon, 2 Jun 2008 13:19:35 +0200CLG> Hi. CLG> CLG> I am trying to load the package fSeries, in order to load CLG> the package CLG> fGarch after. CLG> However, it says the following message. Dear Celine, Please make sure that all your Rmetrics packages are up-to-date update.packages() and that you have the latest R. If it does not solve your issue, please post again your question at the Rmetrics developer mailing list (rmetrics-core at r-project.org). regards, Yohan -- PhD student Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich www.ethz.ch www.rmetrics.org NOTE: Rmetrics Workshop: http://www.rmetrics.org/meielisalp.htm June 29th - July 3rd Meielisalp, Lake Thune, Switzerland