Displaying 20 results from an estimated 111 matches for "fseri".
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2008 Sep 30
error in fBasics package
When I try to load "fBasics" package, I get following error/warning :
> library(fBasics)
Loading required package: fImport
Loading required package: fSeries
Loading required package: fBasics
Loading required package: fImport
Loading required package: fSeries
Loading required package: fBasics
Loading required package: fImport
Loading required package: fSeries
Loading required package: fBasics
Loading required package: fImport
Loading required package:...
2007 Oct 31
problem with package fSeries
please look at the log below: after loading the fSeries library, I can not use the log function. Is this a bug or what am I doing wrong?
Because of this, I'm unable to use the garch library.
thanks a lot for any help,
Balazs Torma
> log(1)
[1] 0
> require("fSeries")
Loading required package: fSeries
Loading required package: ro...
2005 Apr 20
fSeries Technical Analysis rsiTA problem
fSeries Technical Analysis rsiTA problem
I?m trying to use the rsiTA() function but keep getting this error:
Error in "[.timeSeries"(close, 1:(length(close) - 1)) :
only 0's may be mixed with negative subscripts
Here?s is the first three lines of my data...
2013 Jan 30
fSeries not found in R
Hello all,
When I tried to install fSeries in R, I got the following error messages:
Warning message:
package 'fSeries' is not available (for R version 2.15.2)
Is this package changing/merging to another package?
2005 Mar 23
Error in unitrootTest (fSeries)
Hello, I am getting the following error message from unitrootTest.
Do you have any clue of what could be wrong.
Details: AMD64 (x86_64) Gentoo Linux system.
kmodel <- list(ar=c(.3,0,0,0,0.7,-.4*.7),d=1)
Error in file(file, "r") : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open file `library/fSeries/...
2006 Apr 26
garchFit from fSeries
Dear R People:
I'm trying to use the garchFit function from the library(fSeries)
However, R freezes every time that I use it.
Is anyone else having this problem, please?
Thanks in advance!
R Version 2.2.1 Windows.
Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
University of Houston - Downtown
mailto: hodgess at gator.uhd.edu
2008 Jun 02
Help : R-packages : Problems loading package fSeries
I am trying to load the package fSeries, in order to load the package
fGarch after.
However, it says the following message.
> local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE)))
+ if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)})
Loading required package: fBasics (Error : ... infinite recursion)
Loading required...
2005 Dec 04
fSeries package: ?aparchFit
Dear R-helper,
I wish to implement the APARCH model as described in the fSeries documentation.
But I get the following:
> ?aparchFit
No documentation for 'aparchFit' in specified packages and libraries:
you could try 'help.search("aparchFit")'
> help.search("aparchFit")
No help files found with alia...
2005 Dec 04
fSeries: garchOxFit - is really the example provided not runnig?
Dear R-helpers,
I have just loaded the fSeries package and I wanted to run the example provided in the documentation of garchOxFit but I got the following:
> library(fSeries)
> ?garchOxFit
> library(datasets)
> ?garchOxFit
> ## Not run:
> ## garchOxFit -
> # Load Benchmark Data Set:
> data...
2005 Dec 13
I'm trying to use garchFit from fSeries, with Student or Skewed Student conditionnal distribution. Let's say that eps (vector) is my series of daily log-returns:
eps = diff(log(EuStockMarkets[,"CAC"]))
g = garchFit(series = eps, formula.var = ~garch(2,2), cond.dist = "dstd"...
2008 Sep 05
Passing method to returns() /fSeries (PR#12713)
Full_Name: Robert Iquiapaza
Version: 2.7.2
OS: Vista
Submission from: (NULL) (
In the help Examples for returns(fSeries) it is said that you can pass the
method to compute ("continuous", "discrete", "compound", "simple") returns using
# Discrete Returns:
returns(MSFT, type = "discrete")
However when you use 'type' it does compute al...
2004 Nov 10
Good morning everyone,
I use for the first time the package fSeries and i try to run the example
given by Diethelm Würtz. But when i run its example which is the following
# Example:
# Model a GARCH time series process
# Description:
# PART I: Estimate GARCH models of the following type ARCH(2)
# and GARCH(1,1) with normal conditional distribution fun...
2005 Jun 09
Error to install library( fSeries)
Dear @ll Friends,
After trying to install some libraries such as fSeries, I receive this error:
Fehler: unable to create temp directory 'C:/Programme/R/rw2010pat/library\file12763'
Also after trying to install other packages ,I receive similar errors, for example, installation of tseries:
Fehler: unable to create temp directory 'C:/Programme/R/rw2010pa...
2007 Jul 19
fSeries GARCH(1,1)
Hello all, I am trying to use the "garchFit" function in the fSeries Package
to fit a Garch(1,1) Model with t distribution. I am using the following
fit <- garchFit(~garch(1,1),data,cond.dist="dstd")
I was expecting the fitted(fit) would return the fitted volatility, but the
result turns out to be a series of repeated same value....
2006 Jul 14
Help for updating package
I have a problem with garchFit fuction in fSeries package. I found the
following reply on one of the R list:
"GARCH-Modelling is not easy, and indeed for your dataset the default
"Sequential Quadratic Programming" solver doesn't converge. I observed
this also for some other time series. There is already an updated
version on t...
2007 Jun 16
fSeries - Ox - ver: 240.10068 - Steps to make it work
-Bugs and fixes reported to Diethelm Wuertz.
-In the interim. To make the Ox functions part of the fSeries package work please follow the following steps.
1. Install R-project.
2. Install fSeries.
3. Download: http://www.core.ucl.ac.be/~laurent/G@RCH/site/xbdcons/garch42.zip (G@RCH package for Ox)
4. Download: http://www.doornik.com/download/b73...
2008 Aug 04
an interesting finding on Hurst exponent estimation from fSeries
[1] 1.027420
> aggvarFit(diff(x,15))@hurst$H
[1] 0.02301331
First of all, can anyone cast a light on the drastically different results
(obviously, the R/S fit is just wrong) ?
Further, can anyone recommend something which is more stable ? This code
appears to be part of fSeries tho it doesnt appear if one installs and
loads that package. Instead, one has to source the R code directly from
the .R file.
Thanks in advance,
Generally, this communication is for informational purposes only
and it is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase
or sale o...
2003 May 16
Hi there,
Does anyone know how to predict ARMA? It doesn?t have either predict or forecast methods. I found couple of packages called fbasic and fseries at http://www.itp.phys.ethz.ch/econophysics/R/, which has ?arma.predict? in it, but it doesn?t seem to be working. Any help in this regard would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Skanda Kallur
"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future."
2007 Jul 19
Questions regarding R and fitting GARCH models
Dear all,
I've recently switched from EViews to R with RMetrics/fSeries (newest
version of july 10) for my analysis because of the much bigger
flexibility it offers. So far my experiences had been great -prior I
had already worked extensively with S-Plus so was already kind of
familiar with the language- until I got to the fSeries package.
My problem with the docume...
2004 Jul 04
Rmetrics 191.10057
...quot;whittakerW" and the
Hermite Polynomials "hermiteH"
2004-06-29 fOptions/demo
A new example file named "xmpSpecFunsEBM.R" has been added
which shows how to use Gamma Functions, Confluent Hypergeometric
and related functions under R.
2004-06-29 fSeries/R
New functions to fit the parameters by the maximum log-likelihood
method for the symmetric and skew Normal, Student-t with unit
variance, and generalized error distribution have been added.
2004-06-28 fBasics/demo
A new example file "xmpImportForecasts.R&qu...