Hi, I am trying to carry out a multinomial regression using the cumlogit link function. I have tried using the VGAM package, and have gotten some results... fit1 <- vgam(Y ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4, cumulative(link=logit,intercept.apply=FALSE,parallel=TRUE), data = data1 ) The problem arrises when I try to get the information out of the fitted object. I can get the coefficient estimates using: coef(fit1) When using the summary, I get the following table: Number of linear predictors: 5 Names of linear predictors: logit(P[Y<=1]), logit(P[Y<=2]), logit(P[Y<=3]), logit(P[Y<=4]), logit(P[Y<=5]) Dispersion Parameter for cumulative family: 1 Residual Deviance: 618.6155 on 1671 degrees of freedom Log-likelihood: -309.3078 on 1671 degrees of freedom Number of Iterations: 11 DF for Terms and Approximate Chi-squares for Nonparametric Effects Df Npar Df Npar Chisq P(Chi) (Intercept):1 1 (Intercept):2 1 (Intercept):3 1 (Intercept):4 1 (Intercept):5 1 X1 1 X2 1 X3 1 X4 1 My question is, how do I get the P values ? I have looked through the structure using str(fit1), but I seem to be unable to find it. I can't find the standard error of the estimates either. Am I missing something ? Thanks. Robert _________________________________________________________________ [[alternative HTML version deleted]]