That's an FAQ:
7.10 How do I convert factors to numeric?
It may happen that when reading numeric data into R (usually, when
reading in a file), they come in as factors. If f is such a factor
object, you can use
to get the numbers back. More efficient, but harder to remember, is
In any case, do not call as.numeric() or their likes directly for the
task at hand (as as.numeric() or unclass() give the internal codes).
On 21/09/06, Rainer M Krug <rkrug at>
wrote:> Hi
> I generate a new dataframe by doing:
> npl.agg <- aggregate(npl$DensPlants, list(year=npl$year, sim=npl$sim),
> mean, na.rm=TRUE )
> Now I want to plot it by using
> coplot(npl.agg$x ~ npl.agg$year | npl.agg$sim, type="l")
> but, as npl.agg$year is seen as a factor, the order of the points on the
> x-axis (time axis) does not follow the numerical sorting 1...100, but
> rather the text sorting of the factor npl.agg$year
> Is there any way that I can 'defactor' npl.agg$year so that I have
> the numerical values for year?
> Thanks
> Rainer
> --
> Rainer M. Krug, Dipl. Phys. (Germany), MSc Conservation
> Biology (UCT)
> Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology
> University of Stellenbosch
> Matieland 7602
> South Africa
> Tel: +27 - (0)72 808 2975 (w)
> Fax: +27 - (0)21 808 3304
> Cell: +27 - (0)83 9479 042
> email: RKrug at
> Rainer at
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================================David Barron
Said Business School
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