Hi, have anybody a hint how i can perform my speed for a big reshape jobs? My "long" data.frame have dim 1.342.116 3 and the "wide" data.frame could occur (if i don't filter the timevar) max. in a 246744 x 1444 data.frame with a lot of NA what could be set to 0. Neverthless i didn't need really 1444 columns (idependent's for data-mining) , but didn't getting a finish reshape (for ~100 different values in timevar) since saturday morning on a 1200MHZ Duron-512MB/ R.1.9.1 /Linux. I check different min--vsize and min-nsize to control the swap, but it doesn't help really? An attempt do this in database with sql doesn't success, too - because i recognize that's not trivial construct the columns automatic/dynamic like reshape makes it possible. Thanks for hints/comments regards,christian