Forgive that last mail, I have now realised it was all complete b*ll*cks ;-)
-----Original Message-----
From: michael watson (IAH-C)
Sent: 07 July 2003 15:12
To: 'r-help at'
Subject: Xvfb and R
I have recently installed and implemented Xvfb (X virtual frame buffer) so that
I can create jpegs using R over CGI (SUSE Linux 8.1 and Apache 1.3).
I have noticed that in order to do this, a file ( is created in my
cgi-bin directory everytime a cgi script is run. This could cause problems
though as I have a multi-user system where it is possible that two different
users will run cgi scripts at the same time, and both will be writing/reading at the same time - a conflict!
I am simply using the jpeg() function of R. On a different server, where
I'm not using Xvfb but the real X server, I do not get this fule
so I am guessing that there is some magic going on behind the scenes, though I
may be wrong.
Can anyone explain what is happening, and if I can make R/Xvfb create a
DIFFERENT file, say in /tmp/, with a unique name, everytime a cgi script is run?
Michael Watson
Head of Informatics
Institute for Animal Health,
Compton Laboratory,
Berkshire RG20 7NN
Phone : +44 (0)1635 578411 ext. 2535
Mobile: +44 (0)7764 490236
E-mail: michael.watson at