Jacquelyn Pless
2013-Nov-27 02:19 UTC
[R] trouble using mat2listw function to create spatial weights object
Hi all, I am attempting to create a weights object and perform a Moran I test as well. I have a very large spatial weights matrix (roughly 22,000x22,000) that was created in Excel and read into R, and I'm now trying to implement: library(spdep) SW=mat2listw(matrix) I am getting the following error: Error in if (any(x<0)) stop ("values in x cannot be negative"): missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed. What's going wrong here? My current matrix is all 0's and 1's, with no missing values and no negative elements. What am I missing? I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance for your help! Best, Jacquelyn [[alternative HTML version deleted]]